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Independent + Virgin = Forever Single

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I am glad that you are young enough to make firm decisions about what you want in your life. Lots of young people, and people of all ages, today are very lost, and many don't have much direction. Atleast I am happy that you know what you want.


For me, I really don't understand why some Christian groups place so much emphasis on premarital sex and not enough on more pressing issues. No where in the gospels does Jesus ever talk about premarital sex. And though it is not recorded that he ever warned about premarital sex, he did have a lot to say about legalism, materialism, and social injustice. You see, I grew up in a Christian environment in which I was taught that sex before marriage was probably one of the worst evils on Western society today. When I went to university though, I began to really think, and decided that premarital sex is the consequence of a much bigger problem. It is not so much a cause of problems as it is the result of a larger problem, that problem being materialism. Really, if you think about it, materialism and the love of money cause young people, and all people, to do foolish things. The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. If then, sex before marriage, abortion, ect. are evil, they must be caused by the love of money (ie. materialism). So it made me really consider why so many Christian groups emphasize chasity without considering what really causes sexual immorality...its materialism. It's one thing to help the poor; its quite another to understand the unfair economic system in the world that causes people to be poor.


Anyway, just some thoughts


good luck in finding a boyfriend....

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Be careful with your blood pressure, Crazyaboutdogs.


You forgot to read my "I hope" and "to me". Those words indicated that they are my opinions. Why don't you try using them yourself?


If you didn't that's fine for you, but don't trash someone who places a greater value on their virginity.

Unfortunately I fell in love with a virgin woman and the issue of intimacy caused the unhappy ending and subsequent heartache. I feel strongly about it because the way I see it, the demise was so unnecessary: Jesus spoke of doing to others what you want others to do to you. Not that virgins are more valuable.

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I applaud you for sticking with your beliefs. By doing that you are respecting yourself and your God. NEver compromise urself or settle for anything that u deserve less than. That makes you an inspiration. I personally believe in pre-marital sex.. as long as it is safe and respectful. However, your viewpoint is definitely not uncommon and I hope that you will stick by what you believe in because your future husband will love and respect you for it (along with all ur other good points!).


Premarital sex can definitely lead to problems, as can abstaining from sex! but ultimately, it was ur choice (as u said) and congratulations on having direction!! its so rare to see someone early twenties (i would know-i m in that bracket!) who know what they want! good on u. And i feel that only by being urself can u find a true soulmate/ real love who will wholly love you.

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Hang in there and wait on the Lord and He'll bring the right Christian man into your life (even though he might not be a virgin).


I guess so many times people (christians and non-christians) rush into relationships for all the wrong reasons & then WHAM-O - heartbreache ensues.

Dating in reality is to find your future LIFE-PARTNER. So Be selective and true to your self and your beliefs.


Its my opinion that if you have Jesus in your heart you need to be linked up with someone who also does. Then you can share those things that are most intimate with you in YOUR HEART.


Many blessings to you along life's journey.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel you! I'm not Christian though... in fact, I'm not religious at ALL... I just don't believe in giving my body away to just "any" guy. I'm a virgin, in a technical sense, but I feel as if I can't find a guy who won't just use me for my body.


It's hard to find a guy who knows you're abstinent and is still willing to stick with you... ESPECIALLY at a young age, when hormones are raging. But with careful decisions and patience, you will FIND a guy who is actually worth the wait... and when you find him, it'll make your relationship SO much sweeter!!!

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I honestly regret NOT having slept with (meaning had intercourse with) my ex-fiancee. I don't know what stopped me, and I wish now I had. The same applies to different girls I dated after her.


What would have been so bad about it? Nothing.


At least I would've gotten something out of the relationship... I saved myself, and for what? To be 25 almost and still "pure?" Bah, what good does that do for me? For anyone?

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