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I have just downloaded and activated msn. Only to find that my ex and her friend have still kept my email details!!!!


My ex asked me to leave her alone, which is what I have done. So why keep my details ??



Everytime she is online I will know and so will she. So should I delete and block her from MSN ?

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If it will help you to not know when she is online, then if I were you, I would delete her from your friends/ buddy list and block her.


It is up to you what to do, but I think if you are trying to move on with your life after this breakup, then it might be best to do the block and delete thing.

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if you weren't online then why should she?


My ex contacts me a lot but I never contact her because I know it's over and it was me who broke up, but I just don't ignore her.. my point is that if you want contact keep it, but if you don't then delete her. But don't set your hopes up for that she wants you back, because oftenly it's just friends based.

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