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So I met a new girl last night.......

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So I was out last night by myself and stopped into my favorite watering hole. I was sitting down talking to my friend Brenda and this girl came walking in and sat down with an older women right behind us. So I made eye contact with her a couple times and then I turned around and started talking to her. Found out she lives right down the street from me, is 21 and SINGLE. I kept making jokes about how we are gonna be new best friends and stuff kidding with her, the we kinda started dancing at the bar and stuff. I handed her my cell phone and told her to put her # in it instead of asking for her #. After that we kinda just went our separate ways in the bar but kept smiling @ each other and when she would walk by I kept telling her how beautiful she was. I was kinda drunk though last night and hope to god I didn't make a fool of myself. I was wondering when would be a good time to make my first call. I don't want to look real desperate. Thats why I didn't even try to call her tonight.


Also I think I might have something else going too. I met this other girl a while back and she wound up bringing her friend in that just moved here from Florida. I tried talking to her one night but they wound up leaving really quick. Well I saw the first girl last night and asked about her friend from Florida and that I thought she was cute and she should hook us up, when she tells me that her friend was mad that night they had to leave because she thought I was cute and was happy that I was talking to her. The bad thing was the first girls dad is some big bad * * * biker dude and him and his friend confronted me last night telling me to watch out. I think I should probably give this one up.

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Get on the case and call her asap. Too many dating gurus have spread this false myth that you will seem needy if you don't wait couple of dys to call. That has been proven false. It's all in the way that you do it. My current gf I called the next day. My gf before that I called on the ride home. Think about it, what's the difference between needy and aggressive? Both would call the next day, so it's all in how you sound when you call. On the other hand, you run the risk of the girl getting the impression that you're not interested if you wait too long and play too off.


Don't sound needy when you call her and you won't come off as needy no matter when you call.

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no i disagree. it IS a turn off if you call right away. especially if you were kinda heavy when you met. went out thursday with my friend and this guy was laying it real think on her. she gave him her number and he called her the next day and we laughed at how ridiculous he was.

With respect, I think this guy had a lucky escape. Many women get upset because the guy plays games about calling later and like it when he shows enough respect and interest to call the next day. If he gets contemptuous laughter because he calls then the chances are he would have faced similar contempt in other areas. Hopefully, he will find a woman who returns his interest in a respectful way.

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no i disagree. it IS a turn off if you call right away. especially if you were kinda heavy when you met. went out thursday with my friend and this guy was laying it real think on her. she gave him her number and he called her the next day and we laughed at how ridiculous he was.


Regardless of when he called, I think you and your friend had your minds set on not giving him a chance...


Again, she probably already has her mind made up as to if she WANTS you to call her or not...... I honestly don't think timing has much to do with it... unless you call her the minute you leave the bar... or a couple months later.... I think a day or so or the next weekend isnt that bad of a thing...


Calling after is kind of the true test to see if they were ever really interested I feel... they probably already made up their minds, time to see the results!!

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