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How to get through this

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Dude that is so not cool that she had to find out from someone else. I think you better give her some time. I don't know if she'll ever forget. Forgiveness on the other hand depends on the type of person she is.


She may still love you but probably needs time to figure things out. Don't put pressure on her right now. It could back fire. If she really does love you she'll get in touch with you, and you two can work things out. Wait for her to call you.


Have you sincerely apologized?

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I think you need to give her time to heal. This is a horrible blow to her and she will probably start re-thinking your whole relationship and whether or not it was sincere (yes, you may have been sincere but when someone has been betrayed, their mind goes in many awful directions). Having myself experienced betrayal and watching others betray their significant other, I have noticed that while the cheater may feel badly for what they have done and for having hurt the one they love, they still don't have a clear understanding about how deeply and horribly the betrayed party feels. I know someone who cheated on their partner and she still kept the very nice piece of jewelry that was given to her by the person she cheated with. To her it is simply a nice piece of jewelry and she doesn't seem to understand that to her partner it is probably a reminder of the cheating.


The bottom line is that you need to step back. Perhaps reiterate how sorry you are, write her a note, assure her that your feelings are sincere and that you will leave her be and let her decide whether or not she wants to come back.

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