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How to find peace?

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Realise that even if she owes you an apology, which may be debatable, she is not going to oblige.


More importantly realise that she is not coming back to you and that is is time for you to move on. This requires a deliberate decision to overcome your emotions. It is difficult but it can be done and it gets easier with practice.

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I am sorry to hear about your loss. It's tough. Most people on here are going through, or have gone through what you are going through. I am not sure how long you went out with her, but try and remember yourself before you went out with her. You are 17, and believe me, this may happen again. I am 35, and have truly had my heart broken 3 times... You have to trust that everything happens for a reason.


A new year starts soon, make it a fresh start...

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Best revenge is living your life well - I know that sounds a bit trite, but honestly, you can't rely on other people to apologise or acknowledge what they've done wrong; and if you focus on it too much, you end up being bitter and living in the past.


I'm sorry you're hurting right now - take a deep breath, get through the holiday season, then think: 2007 - new year, new start. Forget about her, she has to live with not being a very nice person.

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I'm having the same problem. I'm having a very difficult time accepting the situation and being at peace. At times, I feel okay, but other times, the thought of it all really overwhelms me and I feel really helpless. I'm sure that over time, the feeling okay periods last longer and longer. I think the key is to stay positive about the future, which has always been a difficult thing for me.

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