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her brother emailed me....here is what i want to send

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his email which i kinda dont buy.....but


Hey. I've been trying to call your cell but its been busy the past few

days. Give me a call.



the response i want to send






i dont know what transpired on christmas eve between you and xxxxx but its obvious that something was said, i know anytime we talked you told me that i had your strict confidence that it was between you and me, you gave me your word......again something set her off i was alone and wanted to be alone because that was the hand i was dealt......i didnt ask you for anything other then to leave xxxx be and let her come to her own decisions from her heart and soul......you told me you would....i know you were trying to ease my pain in anyway


i think should forward her the email(you have my permission) i sent you after your christmas party(12/22/06) so she can see my conversations about her to you....that might help relieve any unwarranted anger she is harboring or has towards me or even you.......i left her alone i said what i said i had to say in the email i sent her last week, at this point talking to my friend(who happens to be her brother) was obviously a bad idea even though i felt comfortable because i trusted you...my christmas eve was wrecked as well because i was already unhappy and trying to fill my time with things that i didnt want to be doing(i.e. painting my floor).....i know xxxxxx has her network of friends she talks to about us, unfortunately this topic is just too close for me to keep you in mine


i am not going to get into anything anymore about me and her with you, she deserves that and so does our relationship, maybe yet another mistake i didnt realize i made out of pain....if you want to show her this you can i do not wish to keep anything at all from her we have both been through a lot and right now i have to take care of me, my heart, and my soul....trust god and keep moving forward regardless of the outcome having faith is the strongest driving force you can have


i appreciate and value our friendship very much you need to know that i just need to time for me right now, i hope you can give me that without resenting me for needing it, there is just some pain that needs to reside.....i wish your family a happy new year

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First off I applaud you for having the strength to tell her brother that you need some time before you can be in contact with him yet. Its hard to do that, but by gosh, you are right down on that road to recovery and looking out for yourself!


Your email is very heartfelt and well-written, but I agree with Bethany and think its best to just send that last paragraph. Launching into a long explanation into things may prompt a response/retort from him or something worse. You dont owe him anything, not even an explanation into why you need space. Just leave him with a simple, "I value our friendship but I just need some time for myself right now to heal, etc, etc." and leave it at that.

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hey guys thanks...he called he said i know you talked to my sis and she said you guys wanted to talk about some things and that his schedule was tight...i said well i guess she didnt call you and tell you i wont be around until tuesday.....he said no where you gonna be ( i think he knew) anyway i said i need me time to take car eof me dont worry about it....he said well is it pressing because next week i am jammed with a trial(lawyer) i said dude dont worry about next week either...we got on the subject of x mas eve and i didnt want to re open pandoras box but it sounds like she didnttell him that she text me and i didnt want to tell him.....and it also sounds like she added more then what really happened on their conversations that night.....i just kinda said look i appreciate your friendship and i just need to get away from it all so just understand and i will call him......


so i think i could bust her and maybe him for breaking trust and telling her more even though he said he said nothing...but whats the point shes gone i am hurt hes in the middle......and its still his sis...i just dont like how i was being accused of being dishonest or shady...when she lloks to be theone doing....i sit here biting my tongue knowing that is the best to do......although i miss her it just didnt work and isnt working so now i am working on me...and am gonna protect me the best i can

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