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well, well, well....

So I get a call from the ex. Yes, I answered. Of course I did, I suck at NC!

It's Christmas. Oh well, it made me feel better since I blew up on the phone and thought I'd never know of her again.


It was refreshing. I really still dig her and not ever hearing from her again really bothers me.


So, we talked and I expressed regret for being on the phone.

She laughed about the break up sex I suggested earlier today on her message machine.


I don't expect it at all but she mentioned it.


It's hard to let go of a relationship when it was first based on friendship.

I totally never expected to have sex with this girl. Although we cuddled for a while during the "courtship" period.


I made a friend, maybe....I don't know.


She doesn't put up with the crap I said on the phone at all but she did call to say hey and it was genuine.


It's Christmas damnit!

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While in some respect the NC thing may help, it doesn't seem to be the answer. Sometimes hearing from that person makes you feel better. While it may induce feelings of hope, that is okay too. There are a lot of people on here who seem to attach to that hopeless feeling which I don't think works too well. I don't think people would come to a forum like this if they didn't want to have some form of relationship with an ex, whether it be directly, or talking about them online with others. If both parties still show signs of love/like for each other, I don't see why contact is a problem. I guess it just depends on the situation.

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Sometimes hearing from that person makes you feel better. While it may induce feelings of hope, that is okay too. ....... If both parties still show signs of love/like for each other, I don't see why contact is a problem. I guess it just depends on the situation.


It's what they say is against the rules....But I do feel better.


Now, lets say, NC, yes would have helped me at the very start. But I am an emotional , I tend to get.....sentimental.


So Being that...NC, I have yet to do because I have already screwed things up so I was already expecting to never hear from her again.



I had guilt, regret...hell I was dumped and then I ,for the first time ever directed at her, say something in anger instead of handling it wisely.



When dumped, even if it's for some weird reason, step back and say,"cool".


And then step back.




Go home. Come to this web site. Drink one beer and slow down!


NC is better done from the start to enhance the chances of "getting back together".


I was initially pulled into "be a friend", "Uh....sure"...I was shocked, denial, panic.


I played it cool at first. Then things set in, all along while I was still communicating with her.


Confussion began to take control!


Then anger.

"Why is there this sudden void!?"

"I'm still talking to her but it's contrived and uncomfortable!"




It gets to you.



A sudden break up and yet, you are really friends but you can't be friends right now.


Time will tell in my situation. I"m still in love and yes, have hope but I have hope for a lot of other things.


If you're really in love, you never loose hope.


So screw it! If my hope with her is never fulfilled, it's ok. I just hope she's not the ONLY hope.


Love to all you people!


Merry Freaking Christmas!

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