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so i was just thinking...

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I hear ya, Dan. I hear ya!

It's a pain in the butt isnt' it?

Sometimes, I feel like my head is going to burst from all these questions!


BUT I am glad that you're sticking to NC!


Hey, didn't I read somewhere that you went out on a date recently?

Sounds like you're progressing well down the road to healing!


Good luck, Dan!

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I hear ya, Dan. I hear ya!

It's a pain in the butt isnt' it?

Sometimes, I feel like my head is going to burst from all these questions!


BUT I am glad that you're sticking to NC!


Hey, didn't I read somewhere that you went out on a date recently?

Sounds like you're progressing well down the road to healing!


Good luck, Dan!


yes...a pain it is...and yes i went on a date...lol im still wondering about her, shes never had a boyfriend or any guy really like her, oddly. She is small and cute...but im not sure she knows how to act...so i got her number and she agreed to see a movie with me, i called her a couple days later to set it up and left a message, then heard she may not be interested. i messaged her on myspace and she hasnt been online since...so ive yet to hear back...i gave up on it.


But it is a start, even though it probably wont work out with her. It was fun though

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i know what you mean...

i know what mines doing....working, his thoughts, work...never really had a lot of time for me


its never good when its only one person who wants to work it out....kinda stinks!!


yea...id like to think shes deep in thought about me...or in thought at all, but unfortunately the girl is an idiot...


I can take a stab at what shes doing though getting fatter, sleeping around and trying to fit planned parenthood into her schedule.

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Do you mind me asking why yall ended it?


Short version-


Im lazy...and a bum...no job or car. I play(ed) world of warcraft and she got tired of my attention being more focused on that than her. So she got tired of it left me and started sleeping with her manager at jack in the box. Sad i know...but i got my soul back (uninstalled the game) and totally changed myself for her...but she is "ok" where she is at. So what can ya do.

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