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So anyways I was wondering what type of guys do you find hot and attractive? I personally dig latinos with a slim or average toned body *drools*. Then of course I love some white gay guys, the ones who wear those tight tank tops and have blonde highlights *drools more*. Also any guy with a bright amazing smile can capture my heart. A gorgeous pair of pretty eyes dont hurt at all neither. So what type of things do ya guys like?

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uh for me, they have to be masculine in some way, weather it would be like muscles to you know how they talk. They couldnt act girly (i mean i dont mind like a couple of times but it couldnt be the whole time)because if they were i might as well just date a girl, you know. I look more at thugs most of the time (idk why either) athletes, and preppy guys also. But as far as race i dont really care.

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im gay but heres my taste for both:

girls: eyes(color and shape), small lips, light skin, soft loose hair, smells light like flowers (white/asian)-girls with glasses


boys: eyes(shape), tan, muscular, nice hair, smells good(white, but weakness for italian, and latino)-guys with cute smile

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But if i had a choice I would want someone with a deep almost growly british accent. I just ahve a thing for british accents.


British accents are really nice to hear.


That's the nicest thing I've read in a while, Thanks ;o)

(Written in deepest Northern English accent I can muster)

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I'm Puertorrican. As far as race, I don't have any problem, but I usually go for guys with pretty skin (those who always look as they have a sun tan). I have a weakness for green eyes and a slim body (like mine).

A good personality is a must have. I like smart guys that make me laugh and don't look nerdy lol.

and a PRETTY PRETTY NOSE..... I just love to kiss pretty noses lol

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