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Really nervous. Is the gift I gave her for X-mas a bad move? What do you think?

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I'm real nervous about the gift I gave my friend for Christmas and would like to know if what you think about this. I got her a necklace, which is a fancy light blue ribbon with a small hand-carved saphire blue glass stone hanging from it (her favorite color is blue).


Our history (as summed up as I can get it): A few months ago (in September) I told her that I liked her as more than a friend. She told me she feels the same way but she wasn't ready for a relationship and hopes that I'll still be interested when she is ready. The next week we went on a date and the week after that I had to go out of state for a while. We wrote to eachother and talked on the phone a lot while I was away. And while I was gone I got her the necklace. I got back in the end of September. I wrapped the necklace and gave it to her a couple weeks ago and told her not to open it until Christmas.


What do you think of this? I would really appreciate getting people's thoughts on this.

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She has expressed to you that she likes you more than a friend as well. She's just not ready to take it to the next level. As long as you aren't pushing a relationship on her, then she won't feel awkward about it.


I think she's obviously a good friend, and getting her a nice present isn't innappropiate. I think she will appreciate it.

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A necklace is fine I think-- what else would you have chosen to give to her anyway? It's just a very good idea. If it were a ring or earrings, maybe that is a little bit too much, but for a girl and it being her favorite color (a purpose for it, basically) it's not going too far at all. I've gotten necklaces from guy friends before my boyfriend and it was just nice-- an appropriate gift for a girl who's a close friend for Christmas.

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Thanks for calming my nerves prior to today guys ^_^


She just got back from Florida this morning and called me this afternoon right after she opened it and said numerous times that she loves it and how beautiful it is and that she'll be sure to wear it next time we see eachother (which will be in school next week)

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Thanks for calming my nerves prior to today guys ^_^


She just got back from Florida this morning and called me this afternoon right after she opened it and said numerous times that she loves it and how beautiful it is and that she'll be sure to wear it next time we see eachother (which will be in school next week)


I'm glad she liked it!

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