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Evry flippin' day

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Let me start this off by giving u a lil back ground info 1.MY LIFE SUCKS 2.MY DAD'S ABBUSIVE 3.MY FRIENDS ARE FAKE PPL


Now lets just talk about last night i tried to write this then but i was to emotionally disabled at the time neways my best friend(lets call he bunny) called me last night and was all like blah blah blah i heard u was tlkin behind my back and all i said was nope then she starts cusing me out and i'm like sry then i hang up cus i'm not the type who likes drama so then bunny called back and said since u wanna act so childish then be tht way then she hung up on me!


Nxt lets tlk about my family for one my mom is a punk she sees my dad hitting yelling kicking punching me all the time and guess wat she does absolutly nothing she says and i quote "we all have to go through pain to get where we wanna go" and i just shake me head and run to the bathroom and get my only best friend in the world my straight razor . My mom though i was cutting once wanna kno wat i told her i fell and scraped my armm alot of times the blind LOSER believed me lol!! my friends are so clueless they always say "chelsea dnt do that it cant be tht bad ur be so dramatic...."


I hate it when ppl tell me my life isnt tht bad dnt et me wrong i kno wats goin on in the world and i care believe me i do but my life is bad to and its hard for me to pay attention to both. Everyday i feel like commiting suicide i mean evryday its easy to fake a smile but its not easy to lie to myself they only things i can count on is myself and my razor


I sry tht this is extremely long i just needed to get this off my chest plz help i dnt kno wat to do i dnt kno how to go on living like this i just dnt :sad:

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First of all. You do not deserve to be hit or abused by your father.


You are a wonderful person destined to do great things! You are old enough now that you know a little bit about the world. There is a whole world waiting out there for you to discover and make your own way. I hope that you do not allow your family to hold you back.


YOu need to reach out and talk to a teacher or counselor or even your principal at school. I know, its probally the last thing that you want to do but girl...... if you are being abused there is help out there for you!


At fourteen years old you are much to old for a spanking, even if that were okay which its not. He shouldnt be hittin gyou. What starts him doing this? IS it that he has a bad day? Do you do anything to cause it? Do you have any brothers or sisters to talk to? Aunts or uncles...


YOu need to tell somebody what is going on and if the first person doesnt listen tell another. Keep telling them until somebody hears you!


If things are as bad as it sounds you are probally much better living with other family, or even a foster home! You are old enough now to take control of your life.... you do not have to live like this.

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Wow - what a tough time you are going through!

My heart goes out to you - and my only real advice is not to go for a straight razor or anything else to scar yourself with.

This might not be something you want to do, but it needs to be done.


You are right - your life is hard and unfair. Most likely, you need to talk to some authorities and explain your situation. You need to be clear that you are in danger at home and something needs to be done to protect you.

This is a huge step and could cause a lot of anger in your parents - but so be it. To stand up now and put a stop to the abuse you are going through will show them that this is not acceptable.


I am not surprised that you are dealing with drama from your friends - it sounds to me like you are somewhat used to getting this kind of treatment, so in that department you must also stop dealing with these "friends". Not forever - but set up your boundaries. If they ask why you aren't talking to them, you tell them you don't care for their drama and you'll talk to them when they start behaving themselves.


This may be a lonely time for a bit - but you have enotalone to pull you through it. Continue to post and continue to ask for suggestions. Anything CAN be fixed if you are brave and strong enough to go through the scary stuff - and believe me, you are!!

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There is a big possibility that telling authorities will NOT break up your family. Especially if you make that clear.

More than likely your father will be ordered to attend counceling with you or by himself.

You have a lot more power than you realize. And maturity if you play your cards right.


The reason it is so important to tell someone - not the police necessarily, but a school official, an abuse hotline, or social services, is because your father needs to learn how to manage his anger and start feeling good about his family.


You have good intentions and possibly a way out of this. Explain to someone how much you want healing for your family as well as protection.

It can be done......

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I know this will not be easy for you to do, but you have to tell someone. You need to.


No one deserves to be beaten. No one. You need to tell the police or someone that can help. Your school guidence counselor, for example, is a good start.


I really hope you find help. I wish you good luck.

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