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I have suffered from social anxiety for as long as I remember. I was wondering if anyone has successfully overcome their social anxiety and by what means? I've been to psychologists, therapists, and counsellors many times, and all of them left me feeling worse afterwords. I have considered trying medication but really don't like taking prescription drugs, and am afraid they will only mask the symptoms, not cure the root problem. I'm at a loss right now and feel like social anxiety is ruining my life, and not allowing me to live my live the way I would like. I don't know what I should do, and would really like to stay away from medication.

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What do you think caused you to become like this?

If you can figure out what is causing it you might be able to fix the problem.

You will have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations. Kinda like my signature... you have to be vulnerable for change to occur.

You will get extremely anxious when you try and do something but once you have done it you will feel really proud of yourself.

You have to keep doing it over and over again until you get more and more comfortable. For example: a small thing like calling up a place of business or joining an exercise class. Practice doing it and don't chicken out.

And I agree counsellors sometimes cant help. Just talking about it wont really help, you have to practice. Oh and counsellors are taught to just listen to their patients and not to influence them with their opinion or advice. I only found this out after wasting my money on many many sessions with different ones trying to get advice!

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