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What to do next...im losing it!!

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im not in relationship nemore...ended any connection a person can have with me through the net, except for this and email. Im just soo upset!!


its the weekend, this real southern gentlement wants to take me on a date, but i cant get over him yet...we just broke up like sunday, so not even a week ago!


Its suckkkkks!! he hasnt contacted me through calling, he texted me back after i text him, but besides that nada!!


Ahh guys, what should I do? I feel so crappy...I went to the store the other day and blew 130 dollars on none sense...Like lingere to be specific, but i dont even have anyone to show them off too=(


im so HURT


I wanted to be so much to him, but i met nothing...I even asked him if he ever felt lucky to have me, and he said no. ofcourse he backed it up by saying its always been hard for him to be in love, but i wasnt asking about love and then he went into strangely long detail about his old friend who would always say it to him and finally he responded and she never akknoledged it, anyway...Im so hurt, I felt like NOTHINg, like a piece of LENT...


I feel like retaliating, but i dont think that would be such a good idea on my part, last time I did that and went a little crazy, I got gang banged and lost so manyf riends because...they thought different...


Ive had a hard life and just really need someone to help me sourt all of this un nesseasary drama out...

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Hi there.


I even asked him if he ever felt lucky to have me, and he said no.


It must have been very hurtful to hear him say that. The breakup is very new right now, so you are goign to hurt for a little while. You'll have good days and bad days. But in the long run, if he was that mean to you, I think you are much better off without him.


It's nice to pamper yourself and buy things once in a while, but be careful not to spend too much money, because thne you'll have to deal with being broke on top of the stress you are already facing.


I think you will feel better with time, and that you will meet someone else who will treat you much better. Don't worry, you will get to use your lingerie. Save it for someone who deserves it,



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Well, sorry about the crp you are going through. We ll make mistakes, it is something that is necessary in life

The only advice i can give you is this, dont be helpless, don't let yourself be helpless. Comig here is great for getting advice but to actually movo on you have to make YOUR OWN decisions a live with it. Good or Bad. It actually helps you move on with things faster. As for the southern gentleman, "when you are ready."

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thank you...

it just sucks, i dont thinkt heres much anyone can say to make me feel better, its all kind of hard to believe right now...my ex hurt me and i have been getting hurt all of my life...


I believe that I need to lovem yself inorder for me to love them in return..

I dont nesessarily hate myself as much as I just CAN'T forgive and forget, its hard right now...

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