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As most of yo know me and my boyfriend of almost 2 years are currently in a Long Distance Relationship.


We miss eachother so bad and he wants me to get there and live with him as soon as possible, but there is one HUGE problem standing in our way!


He is living with his brother. His brother has nothing against me or mine and my boyfriends relationship but he is really picky and weird and he doesn't want me living there. I don't understand. My mom took my boyfriend in and he lived with us for 6 months and his brother wont let me live there for the most 2 months until we both get enough money for an apartment.


My boyfriend and his brother have been fighting over it for a while now, but nothing is changing. I wish he didn't have control over this situtaion.


I can't stand being away from him. I feel like I have no other options. We're trying everything, it's horrible that his brother is being this way


Please help!



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I have to agree with Secret.....if you don't have the means to live with each other at the moment and the brother holds the purse-strings, you're kinda stuck. He's not going to care that your family took in his brother, because that had nothing to do with HIM. Just grin and bear it....if he loves you, it'll suck, but you can be together when your financial situation works out.

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