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i like my brother's friend

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Hi guys. It's been awhile since I posted here. I hope everyone is doing well.


I have a "does he like me" post.


Anyway I like my brother's friend. We all go to school together. They live on a different campus. Anyway the first time I met the guy was like a year ago and I looked different.


I often go to where he and my brother live in regards to my brother's car driving my bro somewhere/dropping something off/stuff like that.


Earlier this semester I picked up him and my brother in my brother's car and the friend was like "you're anthony's sister? you look totally different" and he was like stumbling over words. I had changed my hair and dressed differently.


But on Friday I got in a big fight with my brother. The content of the fight is irrelevant but I had to go to his dorm and make a big scene. My brother sold me his car and then took the keys back because he needed to drive somewhere at that moment. So I made a big scene to get the keys back because I was basically stranded at our college.


Then this evening I was parked outside my brothers dorm and the friend saw me. I don't even talk to this guy. I've seen him like 3 or 4 times. And he is like "Are you Anthony's sister? Are you waiting for Anthony? Where is he?" So I was telling him. And the friend looked away while I was talking to him.


I dont think this is a good sign. He was standing accross the street though and it was dark. Then after we said a couple things he walked away and stood away from the car. Like he thought it was weird to stand there or something... I dunno.


Then my brother came to the car and we got in another fight. The friend followed my brother to the car. And the friend was watching the fight. I was really embarrassed cause my brother is having a lot of problems in his life and he's taking it out on me so my bro was acting like an * * *.


Anyway my brother stormed off and went back in his dorm. But he didn't give me the textbooks I came there to get.


So after fighting with my bro for like 5 minutes on the phone I went into his dorm to get the books. You can't get in the dorm without the key. So I was waiting at the door and his friend is standing pretty far away and is like "do you need to get it?" then he walked up and opened the door and held it open for me. When this happened I was still fighting on the phone with my bro. And then the friends is like "he lives in (and tells me the room number)"


So my question is do you think the friend likes me? And if the friend likes me is he not going to ask me out or anything because he's my brothers friend?


Or do you think the friend heard about my scene on Friday and that's why he knew I was "Anthony's sister" and it didn't have anything to do with him remembering me/taking note of me because he liked me, but rather because I acted like A Crazy Person and everyone in the dorm knows me cause me and my bro had a fight on Friday?


Also me and his exgf are the same sorta type... I don't know if that matters.




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Hard to tell. I'd suggest settling whatever it is with your brother first. Fighting among siblings is unattractive. Settle it like adults and perhaps he'll take interest in you.


Ignore whether or not he likes you, consider that he IS your brothers friend. You need to be friends with your brother too if you don't want to cause a probelmatic relationship, that will only end in him hate being the "middle man" in it all.


I'd suggest waiting to even consider him


(sorry for the poor grammar)

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Thanks for the advice and I know it's hard to gage what this guy is thinking from our limited interaction.


Then again if someone likes you sometimes you can just tell and I get this feeling now. If a guy remembers you and is helpful(ish) he is usually doing that for a reason.


But, what is happening between me and my bro is totally irrelevant. Him and my bro are just casual friends, they're not like bff or living together lol.


My brother broke up with his girlfriend and he's lashing out at me. That's why we are fighting... Also I mostly see my brother in relation to his car because my brother lost his license due to a DUI. So he's lashing out at me for that also.


I thought guys would read that and be able to determine more definitley if it sounds like the guy is into me or if it was just random events.




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I think that maybe the only thing you have to go on is that he liked the change in your appearance.


Which can either be taken as a compliment or not, but the way I am looking at this you are taking it as a compliment.

So build on that. Try not to fight in front of him to much. IT seems childish and immature.


GUys can also see the inner * * * * * coming out and think "hey can I handle that?"

lol. It's fine further down the line but it is no way to attract a guy in the long run. Especially when he has no clue what your all about.




Anyway good luck and try to interact with him more, by asking lots of questions and being yourself the best you can, it's hard to do that sometimes when you are nervous or like someone but try, it almost always works if there can truly be something between the two of you, if not move on. there is always something better out there and you might just find the best.



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Thanks for the advice. That was very helpful. My main thing is I'm not going to really see this dude outside seeing my brother. Me and my bro don't always fight he is (like I said) just lashing out lately at me cause he's going through some stuff. Plus I'm more shy around my brother...


So the odds I will see him again by happenstance are slim. I could friend him through facebook or something but that would probably be really corny.


I guess if he was into me a lot he would try to get in contact with me some how?


I guess in these situations you have to weigh how much you like the person versus how you might feel stupid if you made a move and they weren't into you. Your potential for rejection and how that would feel vs. how much you like them, basically if they're worth the risk....


What in life isn't worth a little risk? If I friend him on facebook that would be corny, but if he likes me he won't care. And I'll have my answer.


If he doesn't like me I'll just be like "whatever"...

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See I myself have the same problem with liking my brothers friend yet years ago him and I dated. Now 9 years later here we are again.......... I only see him around my brother and my brother can get retarted but we find time alone even though he dosn't say that is what he is doing, like a trip to the store together or a ride to pick something up from the store together. I asked to kiss him and he said that he wouldn't cause I was married but am in the middle of a divorce. He is starting to come around now that he realizes that I am serious in getting this divorce, by just showing me he is willing to flirt and have a good time..........I look forward to the weekends or answering the phone when he calls. The weekends are the only time I get to see him since he works all week long..........and is to tired for anything.

Well ttyl! Good luck.


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Oh ok my brother called me today on behalf of the guy to ask if I was taking Politics and Culture. (the three of us are poli sci majors)....


I think its good the guy thought of me (of all poli sci majors he knows) to ask about the class... Especially considering I kind of have a rep for being a ditzy air head (notthe first person you would go to to ask about school haha).... Plus this guy has a lot of friends and is very outgoing so I find it hard to believe he didn't know someone in the class or meet someone and be friends with them in the class...Right?

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