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I get too stressed, too easily!

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Maybe it's just PMS, but I got so stressed out a couple of weeks ago, and again yesterday, to the point where I wanted a punching bag to take my frustration out on. A couple of weeks ago, my bank went through a systems conversion, they screwed up my account and changed all the settings. Basically, I couldn't use my debit card when I really needed it. I had to bus all the way up to the bank in the morning to get my rent (my own fault I left it until that day) I don't drive (will be getting my license in 07) so I bus everywhere, unless I am with my bf or a friend. Anyways, it's a pain in the butt and only adds to the stress. I went to a yoga class and had a bit of a workout after paying my rent.


I had decided to leave grocery shopping until that afternoon, because I needed a few other things as well. I decided to go into the mall and have some lunch because by then I was getting really low. I get to the food court, only to discover that my bank card still wasn't working, though the lady at the bank that morning had said it would be working fine. I needed something to eat pretty badly by that point, and the manager was nice enough to give me lunch with the promise I would pay him back when my card started working again (he had experienced the same problem w/ a credit card)


Anyways, I had my lunch, but by then I was so tired and frustrated and realized that I had no minutes on my phone, no bus tickets left, and I was basically stranded. I called my bf and we weren't on the phone for 1 minute before I burst into tears. He took me back to the bank (it was really snowy and quite a walk through the snowbanks) and after an hour or so, they found the problem, told me it would be fixed within 24 hrs. I took cash out and my sweetie helped me with the rest of my chores and took me out for dinner and a movie to cheer me up after I went and gave the manager of the food place my payment. I can't remember ever feeling so helpless and beaten down before.


And right now I have a week off from work (using up my vacation before my employment anniversary) so I decided to paint my table and chairs. Needless to say, that is a disaster and my chairs are currently a very bright, crayon green. I had bussed up to the mall (in a storm) to go and get the paint, and the weather was just a nightmare! the wind was blowing so hard, and the streetlights kept going out. It was pouring rain and my umbrella broke in several places. I decided while I was there, to pick up some meat and a box of oranges, and some chocolate, because I was starting to feel a bit weather beaten. Finally I was on my way home. At some point that night, I stepped back to admire my painting job, and got really frustrated and realized that it was the complete wrong color for my house! At some point, I shed a few tears in frustration, once again on my bf I don't know if it's the season, the weather, or what but those two things just seemed to snowball and I just lost control. I hate losing control, which makes me even more upset. But, I'm thinking that the third time is the charm, and I WILL get it right this time (trying to do a lighter green color on the table and chairs, with a design covering the tabletop and the top rungs of the chairs.

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I completely understand. I, like you, don't drive because I can't afford a car (student loans) and I also live in Canada where the weather has been brutal the past few weeks (in my province anyway). So, it's a pain in the butt to have to run errands on the bus and have so many things happen.


But a lot of people are stressed this time of year. Christmas time is supposed to be joyful, but the stress of finances, party after party to go to, finals, and family is enough to make anyone go a little nuts.


I think that going to the gym helps and so does just relaxing. I get so stressed out sometimes for no reason at all and what I do is take a bath and relax.

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I'm in BC, and the weather has been ridiculous! I think that bussing is just getting to be a huge hassle, especially because I live on what is possibly the worst route. I'm in a wealthier neighborhood, so there is less bus service. Bussing just turns everything into a big chore, especially if it leaves before it was supposed to, etc... This time of year never made me stressed before, but I guess it's getting to me. thanks for the feedback

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The weather has a huge part in it I think...at least for me. There's snow everywhere and it was -30 for a few weeks here. It would make anyone go nuts having to bus it everywhere.


I know BC has been getting some weird weather...


But ya, maybe it has nothing to do with Christmas and everything to do with you being overwhelmed because of all the things that happened at once. It's normal, I wouldn't worry about it too much. When it happens just breathe and try to relax the best you can.

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