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so i know you all have answered this before

i know the same thing comes up everytime

about proper birth control

and how any sperm can make some one pregnant

but i am relaly freaking out, so i was just wondering

if someone could please jsut give me an honest opinion

your opinion of what you think

that would be GREATLY appreciated

ok so me and my girlfriend were fooling around the day after she got off her period

and we were both masturbating

i did not ejaculate AT ALL

but i may have got a little bit of pre cum on my fingers and then fingered her

i am pretty sure i wiped it off. i am almost positive i wiped it all off i really am. so with ovulation rules, even though i know everyone is different. but even if she ovulated at day 10, and the sperm lived for 5 days it still wouldnt be really possible would it...

i mean i know there is a slight chance, but likely hood here?

and if it was any day past 10-14 than the sperm could not live that long to fertilize an egg correct.

if she had her period on november 19, and we messed around the novemeber 24. most likely there is a very slim chance correct?


please just opinions



thank you so much

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