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closure may refer to the state of experiencing an emotional conclusion to a difficult life event, such as the breakdown of a close relationship or the death of loved one. People may behave in a certain way or perform certain rituals to help "bring closure" following such events. In many other cases, "closure" may only come about through the passage of time (as in "time heals all wounds




i never needed closure before. whenever a relationship ended i was always able to discuss things with the other person and in every case but one, i continue to speak with women i once dated. i received my closure letter this november after many months. this was all i needed.




if u would like to share [please leave out names and nasty words] yours in order to help others understand and 'see' what kind of reply u might get when asking for closure .




During the time we lived together, he ‘appeared’ to be suffering from depression.I moved out of his house because his behaviour towards me was emotionally abusive and found out he was using cocaine. I told him I no longer wanted to remain in contact and that our relationship was over and beyond repair. I called the police several times because he wanted to talk with me. He left a message saying he was grateful I accepted his house warming present and I filed another police report. He asked me if I still have his house keys, so I filed another police report. I have not attempted to contact him in any way. I have tried to avoid him and his harassment. I am concerened for my safety, my daughter’s sfatery and his daughter’s safety.

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I had the unfortunate experience of getting into a relationship with an emotionally disturbed person once. I made my exit by sending a note. Nothing nasty or mean, (even though I was extremely angry at the time) just very short and concise and in fact it was probably worded way too nicely. I would never have imagined myself breaking up with someone in such a fashion but this person was just way too far gone. Oh well, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?

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well, as u can see, my ex is short and sweet and straight to the point. no muss and no fuss. perfectly clear right. i on the other hand have written volumes, novels, to which she will surely attest, is more than grateful that i no longer send her any such prose. since the day we first met, communication, and in every style and medium, was a trademark of ours and something we enjoyed immensely, so, when it was decided, by her to have no contact whatsoever with me, and to which i am aware is totally within her right and decision to enact, i know that she knows i know how doing something like that would effect and impact me - those who know u best, also know your soft spots - and it was no surprise the reaction i have gone through as a result. because we wrote songs, journals, blogs, poetry, everything together and talked everyday for over many years - i was and am fully aware that this was not just a way for her to heal, or to get rid of me, or to not have to answer to any more drama but also as a way to punish - and, again, when hurt people do do these things - i have accepted that a part in parcel of breaking up. so, for a while she had to put up with my antics and i did the same with her silence - and we have done so until there is no longer that 'bond formed thru communication' between us and that is also something i accept.

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