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slice slice slice

i should stop

i should

but i dont

just three more

slice slice slice


not there yet

not deep enough

just once more


too deep

red is pouring

instead of dripping

but this feeling....

is like no other

its like im floating...floating away

no pain, no gain

float the memories away

but its cold

oh so cold

deaths icy grip

is on my wrist

its welcomed with arms wide open

for its cold embrace

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I love how your poems are so expressive ...

The language is deliciously chilling ...

Nice contrast b/t the ethereal feel of memories floating away and the "cold embrace" of the actual deed ...


I know you said these poems are inspired by a friend but I feel as though this friend's actions pain you as well ... How are you coping? I am sure writing helps but have you considered talking to someone about this?? I don't want to overstep my bounds but would you perhaps give it a thought??

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Hi again JYAG,


I will have to admit that I am rather ignorant about certain issues that're weighing down your heart and I don't want to say something stupid

I am sure there are others wiser than I who can offer you better advice ...


I know this isn't much but I just wanted to let you know that I am here to lend a helping ear whenever you feel like you need to vent or whatever ...



Take care of yourself, JYAG ...


Sending best wishes your way,


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