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Phone rules


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How long do you have to wait for the person to call back before you attempt to make the next call?? I left this guy a message on his cell phone since Saturday morning, and still haven't heard back from him....so I wonder if it’s ok to drop him an email to ask if he got the message or just wait??? I'm just not sure with the whole phone rules.

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How long do you have to wait for the person to call back before you attempt to make the next call?? I left this guy a message on his cell phone since Saturday morning, and still haven't heard back from him....so I wonder if it’s ok to drop him an email to ask if he got the message or just wait??? I'm just not sure with the whole phone rules.


well, what's the story with the two of you? Are you dating?

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My own personal take on the call back issue is that if a person has not called you back, then they have made a conscious choice not to call you. Of course they can say that they have been busy or whatever else but everyone can spare 10 mins and make a phone call. I take this as a hint that they arent interested in talking to me and I act accordingly. That means that I dont call them either, or send them an email or text. There is no point in sending a message asking if they got the first message you send them.

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We're sort of dating. Here's the thing...I have left a couple of things at his house when I came over (not purposely) about a week ago. I called him on Sat to see if we could get together to hang out and also to pick up my stuff....however he didn't answer the phone so I left him a message asking him to call back. I'm not sure when we would meet again if I don't hear back from him. I want to get my things back because they are expensive stuff. I thought about dropping him an email to see if he'd write back and mention about getting my things back.

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Is there a chance that maybe he went out of town for the weekend so he did not get your message? Or were you calling his cell phone?


If you really need/want to get your things back you should call him again. Leave any suggestions of hanging out up to him though.

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This is a hard one... If it wasn't for the stuff you left there it would be easy. You don't call him. Let him call you. And return his calls. There you go, saves any disappointment.


As far as your stuff, hopefully he's just busy and will get back to you soon. Otherwise just chalk it up to experience and don't leave stuff even accidentally next time.

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how well do you know this guy? any chance he's run off with your expensive stuff?


since you need your stuff, call him and leave a message and be very specific... tell him you need to pick up your stuff and to call to let you know when a good time would be to come over to get it...


he should have had ample time to call you back by now unless he has a very good excuse... so calling to get your stuff makes sense. it is kind of rude to not return calls for several days, but maybe the issue is he doesn't want to date you so is dragging his feet... but if you didn't mention the stuff to him, he didn't know the purpose of the call and may not feel urgent to call you back, or avoiding you if he thinks you are calling him to hang out and he has decided he doesn't want to do that...


so be clear it is the stuff you want back, not a hook to see him again... then if he wants to see you, he will suggest that, otherwise just meet to get your stuff then don't call him until he expresses interest in another date...

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call him back and if he doesn't answer, just leave him a message asking if you could pick up your stuff from his place... and that's all. if he calls you back to arrange when you can pick up your stuff, don't push for plans. there's hardly ever a case when someone "doesn't get" a voicemail. unless they deleted it in their sleep.

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Thank you so much for your inputs. We met since July...since then we have been casually dating. We had great time every time we're together. I just don't like that we don't talk at all sometimes for week when we’re not together ...until the next time we meet. Now I'm just not comfortable with casual dating anymore.... so I planed to tell him that. I don’t think he would run off with my stuff (I hope not). I like the guy but I don’t like the fact that he’s not calling me…. and not knowing where I’m standing. As for now, I’m just going to ask him if I can pick up my stuff. Should I email him or call his cell phone? I have a feeling that he won’t pick up the phone again and he seems to respond well by email.

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