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A good going away present?

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Hi everyone. I have a friend leaving the country for at least a year and I wanted to give him something nice as a going away present. I ended up finding this really nice leather bound journal, the kind that looks like a travellers journal. I found some quotes about go away, friendship, and success (because he's starting a new job) and wrote one quote on each page for about 15 pages. I can't decide if I want to fill it with more quotes or leave it like that. I also took two pictures, ones that he decided he wanted from me and put them in the front of the journal...not attached, just sitting in there so he can take them out. Do you think this is a nice gift? Should I add something else to it? I don't feel it's complete, but at the same time, I am out of ideas! Thanks for your help!

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What a fabulous idea! It sounds like the perfect gift, but have you included a pen as well? I like the idea of quotations and the idea of pictures but I would actually stick them in the journal for him. I can't think of anything extra to add because I think what you have done is just right, not too much but enough to show him what a special person you are and how much he means to you

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