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I Broke Nc!!!!! But I Feel Better But.........

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i am still unhappy but better


i had a rough day she was going to a wedding....so i texted...."hi just want you to know that you were a big part of my life for the last 2 years and i hope you are ok no matter where we are at this point; i am praying for you


now i didnt think i would get one because of how bad she went off on me and two cause she was at a wedding and had a miilion reasons not to answer so 35 minutes later i get this......


"hmmmm thought you hated me after i went off on you glad you feel this way i pray for you too take care


i know she is confused because of all the stuff we have been through which i cant handle anymore.......i dont want to read into her text good or bad cause i can do both i think i just like the fact that i feel that i got what i was feeling off my heart at that moment even though i was strictly nc...but something just pierced me today to do it.......




oh and i didnt respond

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DON'T RESPOND, this is fine now, you said what you wanted to say, she did NOT ask any questions, she sent a polite response, she can now think of you in a positive way, so there is NO reason to contact her again, leave it be, feel proud of yourself for just saying what you said, and letting it go... just let it go for now... IT'S TIME to let the precious opportunity "no contact" provides for the ex to take time to "discover" any authentic feelings for you... this is the ONLY way to not back them into a corner, or cause them to roll thier eyes by contacting them again..


You've left a positive impression, confident, and kind.. let it be..it's perfect... no more contact okay???

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DON'T RESPOND, this is fine now, you said what you wanted to say, she did NOT ask any questions, she sent a polite response, she can now think of you in a positive way, so there is NO reason to contact her again, leave it be, feel proud of yourself for just saying what you said, and letting it go... just let it go for now... IT'S TIME to let the precious opportunity "no contact" provides for the ex to take time to "discover" any authentic feelings for you... this is the ONLY way to not back them into a corner, or cause them to roll thier eyes by contacting them again..


You've left a positive impression, confident, and kind.. let it be..it's perfect... no more contact okay???



just woke up and really sad.......you know if she was thinking i hated her why wouldnt she call me ...i read her text over and over and it doesnt make sense its like she never said i am glad you were a part of my life too or i was thinking about you or i hope you are ok too.......not even answering my question that she is ok......what the frig? and now i am wondering whats really going on........as much i want to chase her i know if she cared things would be different...to me her text was cold and all about her........



i am so lost frustrated and hurt!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is why it is important to keep NC - so you don't drive yourself nuts interpreting text messages like some philosophy paper. Honestly, I don't think her response was bad. I think you did a great thing by relieving her of guilt. It shows that you care and she will only think positively of you for it.


Now you've left it on a positive note. That is the best you can do. Be satisfied and MOVE ON.


You can't convince somebody to love you or to think of you the way you want. It must be their choice.


You have done all that you can. Put her out of your mind and work on yourself for a week. Just a week and I swear you will begin to feel much better.

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