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ex bf n i broke up a month ago and i'm feeling so down right now. :(

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Hello all,


My ex and I been together for an year and few month. We been having a lot of problems so he ended the relationship. Now, I miss him so much. We were in contact briefly 2 weeks ago. and it was cool. We were having friendly chat online. He wanted to see me and give me something but that never happened because we got into an argument. So, after that I called him up and said we shouldnt talk for awhile becase i need time away from him. he said that was okay. anyways, i kept contacting him online from that point on. he does reply back to me but he doesnt seem like he wants to talk now. i might be wrong but that is the feeling i get. or he could be just busy.


last time we talk online was on wed morning. it was cool. we carried a conversation. then i ask him a question about a tv show. he didnt reply back. nor he try to talk to me. maybe he was busy i dont know. so after that i stopped talking to him online. ( he doesnt talk to me too) so its been 3 days of no contact now and i'll keep stop talking to him i guess.


i wil move on with my life. but do i give some time bfore i try to contact him again in the near future?

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Hello all,


Now, I miss him so much.

So, after that I called him up and said we shouldnt talk for awhile becase i need time away from him. he said that was okay.


You were the one that wanted the NC. He is just trying to hold up his part of the agreement. Dont contact him to much because you will seem clingy and needy which will push him away. If you guys really are broken up, you need to have some period of NC to get away from each other or else it will seem like you never did break up. If you miss him, and want to work things out, consider why you guys broke up in the first place. What was wrong? How can you go about fixing the problems? If they are too big maybe it is time to move on. Let him have his space for now while you guys figure things out.

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Hey krnswte,

I'm sorry you are feeling down right now. It's must be the weekend. He ended the relationship because you were having a lot of problems. You also told him, you shouldn't talk for a while but you continued to contact him online from that point. He replied back but now he suddenly stopped talking to you. He could be busy or maybe he needs some time to think about the problems and the relationship. You don't have to think obout moving on quite yet, but it's a good idea to give it some time and not contact him again for now. Give him some space to sort things over and see if he will contact you later. I'm sure he will if he misses you and want to work on the relationship again.

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I'd give it a week if he hasn't contacted you if he has any of your stuff at all I'd contact him and ask for your stuff back. Then leave it in his boat for contact. I'm sorry that your relationship ended I hope your alright and have a quick and speedy recovery.




i got all my stuff from his place few weeks ago. so its cool. i guess i'll give it some time/space. thanks for ur reply

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Hey krnswte,

I'm sorry you are feeling down right now. It's must be the weekend. He ended the relationship because you were having a lot of problems. You also told him, you shouldn't talk for a while but you continued to contact him online from that point. He replied back but now he suddenly stopped talking to you. He could be busy or maybe he needs some time to think about the problems and the relationship. You don't have to think obout moving on quite yet, but it's a good idea to give it some time and not contact him again for now. Give him some space to sort things over and see if he will contact you later. I'm sure he will if he misses you and want to work on the relationship again.


i dont plan on getting back with him now.. i mean just want to be in good terms so wecould be friends later or maybe get back later........but i just dont like the idea how he just hang me in there without saying anything...and yes the weeknds are very hard for me..im so use to hanging out w/ him but hes not wiht me anymore. but i'll give some time n space.

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