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I don't know what to do anymore

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I don't understand all the feelings I'm having. I'm no longer happy for anything, I just got a brand new car, and all this good stuff is happening in my life, so what do I not want to live anymore. I feel I have met my true love, but he hates me now and I know we will never get back together. All I can think about is going down to the river and drowning myself, I see no point in living anymore, no one wants me here. I don't know what to do, pleae help, I just want to be happy, enjoy life. But i don't know/understand how to.

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Me and some one i loved ended it once and i thought my life was over i could only think of goingt o the bridge and jumping off the falls and so many other dreary things but the last post is true my friends and family pulled me out it takes a while but life will be beter again.

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You are not alone here,sweetpea35. I am taking your suicidal desire seriously and am worried about you. I have had times when all I thought about was killing myself for days with no sleep.


Get help right now if you are feeling like a threat to yourself tonight.

If you haven't already link removed Call 1-800-suicide, go to the hospital, but do not hurt yourself!


Do anything that will make you feel better and just get through one more day. If you just need to share, keep posting. It helped me a lot. PM me if you want to.


Since you are a student, there are probably resources to help you through your school. Do not be afraid or ashamed to use them or ask about them.


This is just my opinion and experience, but you do not need to be happy first to want to live, although it probably feels that way. You just have to want to live. I know it sounds impossible, but living with the pain may have to come before feeling happy, and it is possible. Just get through this time. Just survive.


I will warn you about something and I'll be blunt. Since there are so many good things in your life, many people will not understand your pain, even some professionals. I know now that "suicidal" is kind of its own emotion, and people can't understand unless they have felt it.

If you are not getting the help you need, look for someone, anyone else.

I was told that I "look good" and not taken seriously because I was able to calmly articulate my thoughts, but I was getting worse and had written a note, had a plan and a time.


Please post again sometiime to let us know you are OK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I should know perfectly well how you feel. My best friend, whom I have developed a crush on over the four years I know her, likes another guy. I was yelling at myself for not telling her and thinking I was so stupid to have let that pass me. Now it really hurts to come up and see her all smiling at the guy and stuff when I know for a fact that he does not like her back. It seemed like the worsr thing and I was all frustrated and jealous and didn't know what to do. Well, I just thought about it and said to myself that if I decide to go through with killing myself or something, then I would leave lots of people I care about, and that cares about me, behind, like my best friend and family. So gettin gover it gains you a lot more than just dwelling about the things that already happened. Who knows what will happen if you stick it out? As for me, I am waiting for my chance.

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  • 9 months later...

well, i've been sifting through all these posts on suicide and noticed that most of them are due to people being rejected by someone they "love".


I am 31 yrs. old and have been contemplating ending my life for the last 2 yrs.!!!! here's my story: I met this guy when i was 17, we started dating, we moved in together, i thought we were happy, then one day after 10 1/2 yrs. together, he comes home one day and says he's leaving!!! needless to say i was dumbfounded, i couldn't figure out what went wrong!!! I then find out that a month after he left me that he was living with someone else and that she was pregnant!! My world came to a screeching halt!!! I tried to discuss this situation with him and all he kept telling me was " get over it, it's not the end of the world!!"

Well, it WAS the end of the world that i had known for the last 10 1/2 yrs.!

i didn't think that i would EVER get over it, not him in general, but the whole situation. It took me a good year to finally realize that life was not over, and things started to look up for me again, both personally and professionally, then one day i lost my job, had no money coming in, i have no family that i can go to for help, i no longer have any friends because they are all busy with their own lives, i am broke, alone, scared and i have run out of ideas on how to get out of this situation. I can't find a job, the bills just keep piling up, i've already lost my car (due to unpaid car payments,) i'm about to be evicted from my apartment because i can't pay the rent, i have no friends, no family and no one to love!!! the only thing that's keeping me around are my cats!!! I'm afraid of what will happen to them if i'm not around to care for them!! The Humane Society is NOT an option!!!

I am sooo done with life right now, and if it weren't for my cats, i would do it in a heartbeat. I am not afraid of dying, i'm afraid of living!!!


I really don't feel like i'm living, i'm just existing. I can't wait for the end to come!!!! Whether i help it along remains to be seen however!!


There's alot more to this story, but i've already rambled on too much, let's just say that my life ahs been all downhill for the last little while and i don't see it getting any better any time soon and i'm just sooo tired.


Sometimes death is the only answer!!

If there's anyone out there who can tell me otherwise, please do.

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  • 5 months later...

everybody goes through patches when they think they are alone in the world and nobody loves them and they dont see the point in living anymore. you are not alone you are far from it! you are luckier than some ppl in this world! turn to close relatives or close friends, when life gets me down i alwys turn to mybest m8 she helps me out and is amazin! your m8s could be just the same! Everybody you love and who knows you will want you around, dont do anything stupid plz, ive bin in ur position before and it dosnt solve anything it just makes things 1000 times worse. if you ever want someone to talk to im here!

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