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how do i get popular with the boys AND girls at school?

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K i'm a 15 year old sophomore girl. A lot of my friends are boys. I've always had a problem talking to girls, because they get so upset really easily and are too sensitive. i can't stand being around girls like that, that talk too much and are all prissy/girly/and bitchy. So i'm somewhat of a tomboy. But lately I've not been as popular at school as i have been in the past. I was just wondering how you get guys to think that you're cool and think of you as a friend. I used to do this way better at this, but now high school kind of changed all the guys. I used to be the most popular girl that all the guys thought was just so cool and funny. and also with the girls, they all have their own little groups. and there are a lot of groups that i definitely don't wanna be in. but there is at least one girl from each group that i consider my best friend. it's just that i don't get along with their other friends. how do i get girls to think that i'm cool. and actually want to sit by me before their other friends, and talk to me instead of their other friends?

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Go up to them and say hey to your best friend in that gruop, and just ask can i sit here? and then just start talking to her. Dont think about the other girls as much cuz their not the poeple that you care about.Or if you see a girl that is kinda like you and likes hanging with the boys or is also a tomboy in a way,Then introduce yourself to her. Another good way is to join sports. thats where you will meet many different girls,usually girly girls (which i also hate) arent into sports as much cuz well....they dont wanna break a nail( ) lol , anyways....yeah. Just try to do some of those things that i told you to do, i bet they will help. You can add me on msn if you have it mine is: email removed. We can chat if you would like to.

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