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is it awkward time to tell best friend i like him???

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Ok, this is a bit tricky, but here goes...

My best friend went out with this guy and they broke up but remained friends. I got to know him and friends and he has become one of my best friends. i started having feelings for him and checked with my friend if she minded and there was no problem but after a while it was forgotten bout cos i had more important things to think bout. they went out agen and he came to me for support, i found out more bout their break up from him than my best friend, ironically. he he devastated, thou she got over it v. quickly, goin out with a new guy like the next week. ok, still with mi? they remained friends gen thou he never really got over her, but there was a point wen he seemed to like mi and had told mi friend summit bout wantin to get together with mi and we did meet up but it didnt go so well cos we had nuttin to do thou i really enjoyed his company. nuttin hadnt for a while, i guess we were both busy but we speak all the time online. my feelings have increased lately and i really wanna tell him, but recently he has just decided to not speak to my friend for a while so he can get ova her, and im not sure if i shud tell mi now or wait a while? please help, its drivin mi mad. its so confusin. also i sumtimes get the feelin that he definitely likes me more than a friend but others im not so sure, i defiantely want to tell him to find out but i dunno wen... ahh!!

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chances are he still likes you, since you seemed to think he was interested not that long ago, some guys (like me-lol!) like to scout the territory first before going in (for gf/bf and any other usueful info or if we're just nervous about asking) and if I dont see any signs of interest ill usually back away, although i have gone for it anyway and well....i was wrong LOL!


i think you should catch him alone and talk it out with him, tell him everything and if he doesnt like you in that way, just tell him thats ok and walk away.





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hey, thanx for the advise.

Last nite, i emailed him teelin him how much i liked him, and i spoke to him like 10 mins ago and he didnt mention it but he wanted to meet up and it seemed positve and im just tryin not to get my hopes up too high, just in case, but i am pretty happy, ill let u know how it goes.

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