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How can I make the kisses better???

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So I kissed my new guy tonight for the first time and it was sweet, (even though his eyes were open which kinda creeps me out!) he isn't that experienced so it was kinda awkward. How can I make it run smoother....? it was kinda like we were out of sync.....anyone know what i'm talking about??


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I know what ya mean. Of course it is always awkward at first, until you figure each other out.


I have kissed before with eyes open, just before the hot and heavy stuff, cause I want to see her and i think it is kinda sexy.


Also, my SO (I think she still is), didn't like the fact that I use my tongue a little, BEFORE we are actually kissing. On her lips, etc. (just lightly) She did not like it and finally told me that. If course she could have been a little bit easier with the info. I spoke to a girl friend of mine and she said she liked that and there would be nothing wrong with it.


The SO has a habit, of opening her mouth wide when she kisses, which I don't get. I am used to kissing with mouths semi or just a little open.


Anyway, it is all about figuring each other out. I thought the kissing issue with us, might be a deal breaker and why we haven't spoken as much lately, but I think there was something else going on.


So, maybe you and he will get used to the way each other kisses.

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