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Is there anyway to forget their number?

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K, even though the pain of memories are still killing me, I am so tempted to call her all the time. This is my second attempt at NC and it's on the third day.


This sounds ridiculous, but is there anyway of forgetting her number? Hypnotherepy, anything? Seriously, it's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask.

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you can start with deleting her off your cell phone list and setting your phone to reject her calls... tryi to build a mental wall around yourself where contacting her just isn't part of the program.


but if you keep calling her all the time, she might change her number which has the same effect as forgetting her number. so you don't want to get to that point where you're harassing her, so remind yourself of that...


i think it would be better to focus on positive activities rather than trying to white knuckle thru the desire to call her... substitute something else to distract you whenever you feel like calling her, reading a book, turning on TV.


you can also do something like leave you cell phone in the car or somewhere where you have to go way out of your way to get to the phone... so you've got to really think about it before picking up the phone.


sorry, i wish there were an easy way to get thru those first days, but just keep busy and try not to dwell on it...

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I remember reading a suggestion on this board that is kind of quirky, but might work...Keep the number in your phone, but instead of having her name on there, program it under DO NOT CALL, or CAUTION: HIGHLY TOXIC, or something like that. That way if you do dial the number, you'll get a reminder...and hopefully hang up before the call goes through. Bonus points if you make it funny, because then you might actually get a laugh out of seeing that message on your phone.

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I use the ear thing.


Every time you get an urge to call her, or any sort of longing romantic thought about her, do this.


Grip your earlobe between the thumbnail and index-finger nail of your hand. Give it a little squeeze... it should be unpleasant, just for a second or so. At the same time, tell yourself (in your head) that what you are doing could only be very bad for you.


What you are doing is conditioning your brain to associate thoughts of her, with that little unpleasant sensation you're giving yourself. Soon, you'll find that the thoughts of her will start to fade away almost as soon as they appear. It totally works for me.


Remember, only a little squeeze... don't hurt yourself. It's just a little pinch to associate the bad thoughts with... it isn't some kind of punishment you're trying to inflict on yourself.

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