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Why do guys act like this?


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Sounds like a classic case of "he knows you like him" thereforeeee he is no longer reserved around you


If you have feelings for him make a move cause i think he likes you. But if he is getting so close and not makin a move he is prolly just too scared cause i know if a girl lets me get that close to her especially her face its my sign to kiss her and i think most guys would agree... and you did say he was shy in the beginning so just cause hes comfortable doesnt mean he is no longer a chicken : ) Kiss him girl! if you want of course

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Maybe you should try being a lot more aloof towards him and see his reaction to that. But if that piques his interest again, I'd say he might not be relationship material, that might be a signal he's just looking for the unattainable, the thrill of the chase.


Do you see him playing cat and mouse with other girls?


No, hes very friendly and different/talkative with everybody else...I beleieve he puts on a face and a personality at work- The one whos always joking around....doesnt get too personal.


In reality, i suspect hes different, but I wouldnt know, would I?

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Shy guys tend to act way more shy around girls they like. But, when/if they get comfortable being around the girl, they won't be as shy anymore. However, if the guy still likes you (which I think he does), it is possible he is still acting differently around you because he still likes you and doesn't want to mess that up by being himself. Let him know you are interested and hope for the best.

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Its crazy how similar our stories are!!! I also have worked hard to bring down the wall between us and we are much more comfortable around each other..he teases me but is protective ...and although I'm gald he doesn't freeze up around me, it does make me a bit nervous, like what if he doesn't like me? But...I think all that nervousness did nothing productive and at the end of the day if you are more comfortable being around each other that is a good basis for him to feel secure enough to ask you out when he is ready. Good luck!!! I'm keeping up with your story!

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Its crazy how similar our stories are!!! I also have worked hard to bring down the wall between us and we are much more comfortable around each other..he teases me but is protective ...and although I'm gald he doesn't freeze up around me, it does make me a bit nervous, like what if he doesn't like me? But...I think all that nervousness did nothing productive and at the end of the day if you are more comfortable being around each other that is a good basis for him to feel secure enough to ask you out when he is ready. Good luck!!! I'm keeping up with your story!


Anything happened with u yet? Like i mentioned in my earlier post, im leaving work for a better job and this guy hasnt made a mention or asked me anything about it!! weird?.....i m getting this feeling that hes just not into me.


Anyways i guess ill be saying good bye in a few days, how sad is that..i wont see him ever again! I hope you have better luck than me. Keep me posted!

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I remember the first time I grabbed and kissed a girl, man mom didn't know what hit her!


I keed I keed!


Anyway, it takes a lot of guts to kiss a girl in general. Especially if its your first time. I think I actually had to be kissed first. Ironically enough. Then of course with my girl I kinda grabbed and kissed her. Much better I feel macho now.


Excuse me while I go kill elephants with my bare hands and move heavy things


*honey the remote doesn't qualify as heavy*


Why do you always have to ruin my machoness


*put on your apron honey*


"yes dear"


Sorry guys I gotta go do dishes

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I once flirted for years with a guy at work. Neither of us would date because we were both in relationships and it was a sort of line we wouldn't cross... business and pleasure etc.


When I left, we decided to have a date but there was absolutely no spark at all for either of us. Still, we had a great evening out and there was nothing more to it than that.


You could just ask him if he would like to join you for a leaving drink after work or something and see what he says.

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Hey there..



I have been through ur story ..

almost like i was the guy in ur post.. .. actually i wish i was...


I really liked this girl that didnt like me back then...

I asked her out, got rejected and tried to move on...


But now i think she is starting to like me.. I find her loking at me occasionally from a distance, a smile here and then..


But, I feel as a guy, I dont want to ask her out again (or anything like that).. It lowers ur self-respect..

So I've been avoiding her.. waiting for her to make the first move..


I guess, the guy is confused for his feelings towards you..

He may not be easy with you around hhis friends..


hope that helped..

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