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question about drunk driving! i need a response ASAP!!! PLEASE HELP!

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i am doing a speech for my public speaking class to persuade my peers not to let their friends drive drunk. i need 3 solid supporting reasons. i know it sounds easy but the only one i can think of is the risk of lives. i cant think of 2 more. it seems like that's really the main jist of it...can anyone help! PLEASE!?

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Search online for some of the horrific stories and what happens to drunk drivers. It's bad enough these people face serious consequences but especially when they involve other innocent motorists & pedestrians.


There was a woman who completely lost most of her facial structure after suffering major burns from an accident that was caused by another drunk driver. The driver is still in jail but the woman is now trying to have a normal life but if you see her picture, you'd think she's not human. The drunk driver was weeping like a little girl & no matter what he does, she'll never be the same person again.


There's a lot more then just losing your license and getting jailed.

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I would divide the paper up into several sections.


Discuss the safety reasons (e.g. you can kill/injure yourself and others, both inside your car and outside of your car/in other cars.


Discuss the emotional reasons (e.g. the type of emotional guilt you would feel if you had killed others and harmed them and/or yourself


Discuss the financial reasons (e.g. fixing up your messed up car, or getting sued for harming/killing another person


Discuss the reasons that will change your life (e.g. going to jail, losing a liscence, etc.


Some of the reasons will overlap, though (e.g. going to jail is a life-changing reason, but it's also an emotional reason.


I don't know. But I wouldn't just write them all down without any order to them. You should group them somehow, like I did. It will just make your paper more organized and easy-to-read.


Just a suggestion, though. I'm sure many ENA posters will trash my post right away, though lol! We all love to do that to each other. How sweet.

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Personally I wouldn't just approach this from the perspective of the consequences, though of course it rather depends on how much time you have - that seems a bit flat, your speech doesn't really go anywhere and it lacks a bit of structure. Is there a specific question you're reponding to?


Anyway, firstly I'd explain the reasons why people with alcohol in their blood are less competent drivers - less inhibited behaviour, slower reaction times, less accurate motor control, worse vision etc. (use examples to illustrate your points for all these)


You can then follow on with the social situations where people are likely to drive drunk, and why this is likely to exacerbate the consequences of having an accident - they're going to be in social situations so are likely to give people lifts, late at night so more difficult driving conditions, there are drunk pedestrians on the streets, that kind of stuff.


Finally you can talk about the consequences (on others, criminal and financial ) of having an accident - it's at the end so the speech seems more punchy.


My 2p. If you're answering a more specific question then post it up.

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