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Do you have heart?

I dont get how you could do that to me

I trusted you with everything i had

Everyone trusted you

But all you did was hurt me like hell

I shake when touched

Then i hide away and cry

I dont trust anyone anymore

To scared to get close to anyone

Incase i get hurt again

I dont want to be scared anymore

I am sick of crying and getting images in my head

I want to live

I want to loved

I want to be like everyone esle sick of being scared

I dont understand you were my brother

How could your own sister turn you on

How could you hurt you own sister like that

I know why coz you dont got a heart

So back off stay away from me KURT

You are no longer my brother



Okay well sorry i just needed to let this out on how i feel right now

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It's a hard situation and you may hate him, maybe for the rest of your life but when the bottom line comes he is family and you will have to forgive him eventually even if you will never forget. Don't feel sick of being you because you are a wonderful person, filled with talents and great things. Most of all you are not alone, there are many people that care about you.Like me all you have to do is email me and I will be there until the end Remember babe people love you and are there for you. Reach out...

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Forgive him? No i cant, he raped me and i will never forget him, he ruined my life, because of him i am so scared to get close or let anyone in, i have nightmares. He maybe my brother but i will never have anything to do with him again, hes lost me for good, people like him dont deserve a second chance. I could of put him in jail, but i didnt, i couldnt, why because what is jail going to do, its not going to make me feel better is it. He was my family but not anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It makes me so mad hearing your story. I cant believe there are people in the world like him. He was supposed to protect you and look out for you like a brother should. Instead he ruins your life and makes you think that it was your fault. He probably wont ever say he is sorry either, in his crazy head he probably thinks it wasnt that bad. But it IS bad. I hope you realise just how wrong he was to do that. And that it was all his fault, and that there is no way that you deserved it! You deserve to be happy like everyone else.

I'm really sorry for being nosey!! I just felt so mad when I read about it.

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