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I was simply curious about this one thing, i looked in most of the anger section already and haven't found a place for it; hence the new topic.


one time when i was in a huge argument with my brother i got so angry that i saw red where my peripheal vision is supposed to be, and i could barely think coherently, i did get myself under control without doing anything completely unrational, (like throwing a punch, or major swearing) but it scared the hell out of me soon after, and also i felt my heartbeat, my veins and everyting


now, this has only happened once in my life, (seeing red i mean, and feeling my veins, and so on), i have gotten into smaller fits of anger, but nothing that lasted longer then a nights rest, and im not talking about holding it in, i would simply forget about it.


i have many thoughts still left unsaid about why and what may have caused this, but, i can't say everything just cause... but has anyone ever get so angry that experience some physical trait like that?

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I'm not a doctor but to me it sounds like a blood problem.


When we get angry chemical changes happen, adreneline pumps around the body and the heart beats faster.


More blood rushes to the head cause the red blood cells to be forced into the veins, you go a deep shade of red, your veins begin to expand dur to the pressure and that is why you can probably actually see red. The blood flow increase in your eyes causes the shift in colour and you literally see red.


There's also the saying don't burst a blood vessel. Because that's what it looks like.


I maybe wrong, but I've seen people do it volentarily where they force the blood to their head and they look freaky and scary. The normal whites of their eyes go red.

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