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Emotional Detachment (doesn't under any subjects)

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i'm sorry to put this under fear, but i couldn't find emotional detachment anywhere


so here i go, im a bit new to this site, so give me some patience; for some reason, i can't find my emotion, i mean, im not geting mad, im not getting happy ever, but i am simply detached, this first started yesterday, along with a numbing headache, then today it was more of a dizzying headache, where i would occasionally get periods of spins, but it kinda has its perks, cause im doing things more out of habit and intuition, where before i would think about everything, but, im not sure if i like this lack of emotion, its like im floating away from it all, and its scary when i think about what this could mean if I kept such detachment


now a little about me, im a 21 male, and i have good parents, and lots of brothers and sisters, and no girlfriend, and dream of becoming a scholar some day

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We all have times like what you are experiencing. I suppose its our way of detaching from the realities of life. Not having to deal with emotional stress. Are you unhappy about being single? this could be your way of dealing with it. I am sure that it will pass. If you continue to have problems and it concerns you in the future, I would consider seeing a psychologist because there may be a deeper issue involved. I too, have detached myself from my emotions at times. its horrible for me because I am a very emotional person and even if I do not enjoy a specific emotion (like saddness) I enjoy having my emotions as a whole. Its part of who I am, and when I am detached, I feel like I have lost a piece of myself. I am still overcoming this somewhat. I used to get excited over everything. now nothing excites me. but slowly, I get better, as I am sure you will as well. Maybe try testing yourself. Do things that always made you happy. Or go to a site or message board regarding an issue that you do not agree with and maybe that will stir up some lost emotions.

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thanks for advice, i might try that, and as for the question about me being unhappy about being single, well, only partly, cause, i imagine that the companionship might be nice, but, then again, there is no room in my fate for love really, so it would be best to go without it, but yeah, detachment does suck because it does feel like apart of myself is dying, but (laughs without mirth) it might be best for me to be detached (emphasis on might)

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I am going to use an analogy to try and answer this.


When someone is in a coma their body is healing.It has shut down manual power as such but the automatic generator is still in place.And how amazing is it that someone can just wake from a coma even a prolonged seemingly as if their body has been battling on their behalf.


I believe we go through a living shut down every now and then and it is parts of the tools/mechanicism we have to utilise in everyday exixtence.Your body is an amazing machine and it's functions leaves us incredulous but that is simply because it is wired to do what it does.You are taking time out and this is what you must require.


There are normally triggers that we can identify that makes us more aware of why we pass through time at times in limbo.You will become more aware of this and you will be able to pinpoint what is going on within you.


But in the meantime believe you are doing exactly what you need to be doing right now and the issue of non-feeling is temporary.


Follow the way. x

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