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ex bf says he miss seeing/talking to me!

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ok, im a little confuse now.. i knew something like this wil happen . we broke up a week ago.. we didnt talk for 3 days and i gave in and. just recently i got into a horrible accident ( which im okay) so we started to talk again. i told him that i miss seeing/talking to him.. but theres nothin i can do now.. but to leave him alone and not bother him u know? so he reply back saying, im glad ur not seriously hurt from the car accident and that he miss seeing/talking to me aslo.


im confused about this? so i emailed him back..explaning about my car accidents and saying how im confuse about us and theres noting we can do now. and also said im sure in time we'l forget about this but im not happy now and i wish i knew the answer. he stil hasnt replied back. im waiting for the reply.



i love him so much cus he treated me so good n nice. he showed he care for me like no body else and its so hard to let this go.. i know he feels same way too.


what do u guys think about this?

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Sorry to hear about your accident. I sincerely hope you are OK.


Of course you're going to not feel good and you will miss each other after a break up. That's a normal consequence of human nature. Every single break up I've had has been that way (and there have been a few!). Many times I have made the mistake of equating hurting and missing her so much with thinking this much pain and discomfort must mean we belong together. So we'd say the exact same things you said to each each here, get back together, things would be great for a week or two, then they'd go right back to where they were before. Then we'd break up again, miss each other, not feel good, repeat cycle again and again... And after things are all said and done, I look back way later and shake my head at how wrong the fit between us really was.


Of course it's hard to let go but look past these feelings to the reason(s) you guys broke up in the first place. Is this reason one you both are committed to working on? Will this work lead to a fruitful relationship, or are there deeper reasons beyond your control which caused the split? Like different values, etc.?


Should you analyze things honestly and objectively and deem the problems out of your hands or there is no desire to work on things, I firmly believe you need to make true distance here by letting go and not communicating with each other until all these feelings fade.

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Hey there,

I do hope you are Ok from the accident. Take care of yourself.


For whatever reasons you all broke up and even though he was nice with his reply and concerned for you --that was all you got. He could have come to see you, but didn't, right? Nothing much has changed, I'm sorry.


Listen I think it's best to leave things alone for now. Try not to make yourself sick waiting for his reply, it may not come.


Work on getting yourself back and healed emotionally. Keep yourself busy. Be with your friends, your family...anything that will keep you away from contacting him again. You don't want to do like I have done in the past and seem pathetic, it's not attractive



Give time some time........

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im doin ok . car was damaged a lot. but im okay. thanks


hey u guys thanks for the reply. i been feeling down all day because of this. i went out with a friend.. i got my pedicure and manicure done hehe. but still in my mind.. im not feeling good. i was suppose to go to a rave club tonight with her and he r friends but.. i do not want to go because i wouldnt be havin a good time and i dont wana spoil everyones fun u know? so i just home. i just got home now. ate dinner. i was out all day today... but in my mind.. still thinks of him ..


well, he didnt reply back.. im not waiitng for it..... i'll leave it as is and wont contact him for awhile...mun, u are right.... if he really wanted to see me.. he wouldve came and saw me by now..but nothing has changed... so i'l give it this time and move on.



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