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Rebuilding Freindship..

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In a marraige, when you have had your share of obstacles and bumps in the road and you are getting tired and overwehlmed. It seems you somehow lose the person you were, its like you have lost that person inside you that your spouse adored and vise versa. Where and how do you even begin to get it back? Where do you start building that friendship again, that companionship that you miss so much. Especially when you know its still there but just probably hidden by hurt and scars? How do you save a marriage that has been slowly getting bad for so long and all you want is that companionship, acceptance and happiness back? Would it be irrational to let go of something that you still love so much? Is it a process, first finding out who you are

( because in all honesty, I dont know anymore) and then working to rebuild the closeness?? I dont know, I just want this to work so bad, my husband does too but we have lost our friendship, our closness, we are not who we fell in love with, there's no "missing me" when he's gone or phone calls at work just to say I was thinking about you. Im hurt, Im exhausted and I guess......desperate..

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Re-light the fire. Heaven or hell is a state of mind. If you love, then you are in heaven, if you hate then you are in a state of hell. By removing those elements that distantiate you, and bringing in passion back into your marriage. You do this by organizing things, along with removing the bad issues/depressions on both sides, and other nastyness. Making things fun costs effort, if you two are too tired, great take a vacation, or even going a weekend out to a resort, getting mud baths, massages, why would you deny yourself some relaxation? Both of you need it. And although the grumpy hubby will probably refuse with all you do, drag him along because its something you really want. Happy times together you see, you can have the daily drill back at any time you want if your not satisfied with this idea.

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