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I known this girl for a year and a half now, just because me and her brother are friends. I asked her out and she said no, cause she dont date her brothers friends. She said that it would mess up our friendship, but i dont think so! Why is she saying no? She said if i wasnt her brothers friend she would date me, but i like hanging with her brother and i like her. Do i choose or wat? Wat do i do? How do i handle this? I really like her and wanna go out with her, but she says no.


The other reason i know she likes me is that she flirts with me and everything. Jst like yesterday when i was over there at their house, she was in his bedroom while me and him was watching racing, and she was like all over me and hanging on me. I like it because this is the first girl that really likes to do things, all the other girls wanted attention, but this one likes to have fun and wants to have fun.


I am 17 and shes 16. She is the most beautiful girl i ever seen, and i really like her. What do i do?

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Hey Ice,


Have you talked to her brother about this and how he feels about it? that may be your answer. Tell him how you feel, and see what he says. And no don't ever risk a friendship for a girl. Trust if you were to mess things up with her brother, she would not date you anyway.


And be sure she just is not using it as an excuse, I mean maybe she does just not want to date you.....that's why I say talk to the brother..he will tell you what to do.

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I did talk to her brother. He told me the day after i asked her out, tat he read her diary (no idea why, i didnt wanna know but then again i did) but anyways it said that she liked me and would like to date me, if i wasnt friends with her brother. He told me that she liked me since the middle of last year. He knows how i feel about her, and her moms knows alittle just by the way we were acting around her yesterday. What else can i do?

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