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being a challenge

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I don't get when a girl likes you and you show that your really interested, she'll eventually ignore you...But if you let that happen then ignore her, she all the sudden becomes really interested and desperate to get your attention. I don't get why being a challenge works so good haha.


Also, if a girl could clarify if this will throw her interest back at me that'd be great.


Advice appreciated.

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Coming from a female, and this just being me ... we like the attention ... we like the chase. We like to see that you are really interested! Yeah, it's hella confusing, but it makes us feel wanted! If we ignore you, and make it challenging for you and you come to us, it's like, "Wow! This guy does like me." Or whatever it may be. I think both sexes do this, not just the girls. I know that I cannot stand being ignored by my boyfriend, and when I am ... im all over that poo! And when I don't call him, he's all up on me! It's the chase, and it's the excitement of it all. Girls like to feel wanted, they like to know that they've got you. I

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