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The rewards of marriage

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Again Riggz, a lot of what you said is true in MANY cases, not all. But there are so many people in our society who agree with the way "things are" and are just fine with it.


It's like with dating. A guy brings flowers, opens door, pulls out her chair, pays for it and all that stuff and it's considered gentlemanly and romantic. If that is the case, what does the woman do the date which is considered womanly and romantic? Absolutely nothing. Most times, the women just accepts all that, talks with that guy, maybe kisses him good night or has sex with him (that is a mutual thing. She isn't doing something romantic JUST for him).

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I'll tell you the "womanly" stuff we do for you during dates:


1) Listen intently about (insert one here) current "sports" stuff (football, baseball, basketball) who is winning, who is losing, who signed, yada yada (Now I love some sports, I am the exception to this rule) and pretend we care and are even listening.


2) Listen to you brag about that big contract, new deal, how you aced this guy in a sales meeting, yada yada


3) Listen to how you "aced" this guy on the golf course, or batting range, or pool table, yada yada


4) Listen to you brag about your bike/car/boat/jet ski, how fast you go, yada, yada.


5) Compliment you on that cologne you took a bath in.


6) Compliment you on your driving, ability to order wine.


7) Allow you to make a spectacle of yourself (and us) if your buddies are around and you want to show us off.


I have more....anyways, there is a huge disparity between compensation for men and women in the same jobs,. Don't sit there, type away about how equal it is, you are not a woman, quote news releases if you feel the need.


I am living proof of that "disparity". I have a man's job, do it better than the men (or so I am told) and I make approx. 30% less.


Can we call this a draw? I bet you I can dig big holes WAY faster than you can!!!!!

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Firstly, many guys won't go on and on about sports on the initial dating. None of that is the woman doing a thing.


Do you know how much junk men have to listen to? Women complain about EVERYTHING. Their job, their co-workers, their mood, a zillion other things.


Sure some women don't get paid what men do but many DO. Not to mention, many many many women are hired for jobs because they are women and how they look. Women use sex to get stuff all the time. Gimme a break. Ask women how many "complimentary" things (be it entrance to some place, free drinks, free whatever) they get in their lifetimes compared to a guy.


Ask your average man how many women took THEM out (not counting a long term committment) and paid for everything.

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