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I feel lost in life...

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lovecrazy -


This is a REALLY tough thing to advise on. This is YOUR future you're talking about.


LOTS of people go into the military and make a nice life for themselves. Others find or have a different passion.


What kinds of things do you like?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What kind of place to you want ot live in? An apartment in NYC. (I do) Or a mansion in Spain? OR just a regular house in your hometown.


I think you just need to ask yourself a whole bunch of questions and you'll get things figured out. I take it your relatively young and have a bit of time to make a decision??

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If you do go into the military, go in and learn some skill(s) that are useful, in the working world. If you become a Marine and are in the infantry, you will learn to kill and other related things. Not very useful when you want to get a job. If you go into the Navy and learn how to fix certain types of machinery on ships, then you may be able to use that after you leave the military. Also, you cna get some schooling while in the military. But you really need to ask and answer your own questions.

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T.R.S. has excellent advice.


My father is retired from the US Army; and it afforded me the luxury of traveling all over the world. But it was also a hard life in that ever 3-4 years you had to move. That makes keeping friends, and relationships very tough. Additionaly he was lucky that his MOS (job) was something that easily translated to the civilian world. Thats not necessarily true for all jobs in the military.


Me on the other hand, I went to college and was in the ROTC program; but for me, my individuality/rebellousness was something I wanted to embrace, so I didn't go forward with a career in the military.


What it comes down to is; if right now you are having doubts about the military; don't join up. Go to school. It's common for people to enlist after a few years of college if/when they determine college isn't right for them. A good friend of mine was studying to be a doctor. When he realized it wasn't working for him; he dropped out of school and joined the marines. He did two tours in Iraq; came home and now works for the NSA--set for life.


But even if you do join the military; know that you can still go to school during or after your service.


So while it looks like the choice you have is mutually exclusive; its not.


Good luck

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thanks...but when I was younger...I wanted to go into the military...But I do not want to leave my family...and go fight in Iraq...


I went through a bad break up these past few weeks, and I still feel I should hang on, a little while longer, to see if he comes back...Because for some strange reason I feel he will...wishful thinking I guess..but I think me just going to school would be the most logical thing to do.

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thanks...but when I was younger...I wanted to go into the military...But I do not want to leave my family...and go fight in Iraq...


I went through a bad break up these past few weeks, and I still feel I should hang on, a little while longer, to see if he comes back...Because for some strange reason I feel he will...wishful thinking I guess..but I think me just going to school would be the most logical thing to do.




I don't know if when planning your future you should leave logic OUT so it's good to hear you say something would be logical - BUT at the same time, you can't leave emotions out of the equation either.


What do you like? What will make you HAPPY?

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I don't know if when planning your future you should leave logic OUT so it's good to hear you say something would be logical - BUT at the same time, you can't leave emotions out of the equation either.


What do you like? What will make you HAPPY?





I honestly want to work in the law field...but not sure as what..I also want my old life back...what I had a year ago...


Just a simple life...without so many issues...

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Just a simple life...without so many issues...




yeh - good luck with THAT one.


Kididng - I hear ya.


I think you should follow your desire. If you THINK you want to go into law, start the process. If you find out it's not your cup of tea, try something else...but then at least you can say you gave it a go. Ya know?

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Wow.. thanks for the tagging the Infantry. I was in the Marine Corps Infantry for 6 years. Right out of high school.

I joined because something about it called to me not because I was a born killer. It takes a certain type of person to do that sort of thing.

Usually and unfortunetly thats what we are viewed as..brainwashed killers.

There is much more to it.


I don't think you deliberately meant any harm here but...niether did I.

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Wow.. thanks for the tagging the Infantry. I was in the Marine Corps Infantry for 6 years. Right out of high school.

I joined because something about it called to me not because I was a born killer. It takes a certain type of person to do that sort of thing.

Usually and unfortunetly thats what we are viewed as..brainwashed killers.

There is much more to it.


I don't think you deliberately meant any harm here but...niether did I.


Personally, I THANK GOD for the guys who are willing to do it. We would not be anywhere without such men. I've known some, but, as you can tell, I just don't get it. I also don't think you can do it, unless something calls you to it. However, I know that without infantry, you will never ever hold any piece of dirt as your own.


Although I was to some minor extent in the military (inactive reserve status only), infantry was not something I would have considered.


Infantry is not brainless, but the skills don't translate well into the workplace, except for being able to work under pressure.

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Wow.. thanks for the tagging the Infantry. I was in the Marine Corps Infantry for 6 years. Right out of high school.

I joined because something about it called to me not because I was a born killer. It takes a certain type of person to do that sort of thing.

Usually and unfortunetly thats what we are viewed as..brainwashed killers.

There is much more to it.


I don't think you deliberately meant any harm here but...niether did I.





It does take a certain type of person to be in the Infantry...My brothers, and father, step father, were all Army, I have a couple of cousin's in the Marines, and one in the Navy..They say its the best thing they ever did. But they arent going to stay in very long.


I honestly think maybe the Army would be the best choice, then maybe the FBI afterwards.


Thanks again everyone for your help

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