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Ice cream with friend...or not?

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I have been with my bf for 6 months. I dated him for 3 months before, then 7 months later, he wanted me back and have been together ever since. But the thing is, right before we got together, there was this other guy. I chose between them and I'm convinced I chose right cus I'm in love with my bf. The other guy and I have been friends for about 5 years, and we're going out for ice cream tonight, to catch up. I told my bf and he said he was fine with it. I was just wondering what you guys thought about this.


Do you think my bf is jealous? Do you think I should still go for ice cream with this other guy? I mean, we are good friends, but sorta drifted since me and my bf got together. Am I playing with fire? Or am I just worrying for nothing?

Thanks for the input.

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I dont know if your boyfriend is jealous, so thats hard to say... if he said it was ok, than I'm sure hes fine with it, or fine enough that he wont let it bother him....


If you still have feelings for the other guy, and are second guessing if you chose right, than you probably shouldnt go get ice cream with this other guy... it wouldnt be fair to your boyfriend that you are pretty much going on a date with someone else.....


However, if you really are just going to get ice cream to catch up with an old friend that is a guy, than go for it, i don't think its a big deal....

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I see no real issue with going, so long as it's strictly platonic, AND, your boyfriend is comfortable with the idea. However, I think you need to make darn sure that when it is over you make him feel secure about what did happen. In this case, I would keep it fairly short in duration. Once it was over, I would either call or see your boyfriend, real soon. When you next see him, as soon as you see him, grab that man and kiss him like you are going to suck his face off.

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