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Any danger in....


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.....e-mailing back and forth with a girl you are interested in?


We have gone on a few dates. But we e-mail each other 3-4 times a day. Just short funny e-mails back and forth, nothing in depth. Mostly flirtatious while I am at work.


Or should I lay off on the responses and wait for the date? I don't think we will run out of things to talk about. But with busy schedules we only get to see each other once a week so far.


thanks friends

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Initially, you want to communicate with her and get her to like you. Once you know she likes you and vice versa, you then want to scale back your availability so that she doesn't take you and your time for granted.


I think what you're doing is a common thing amongst two people who are interested in each other but have not met face-to-face yet. I would limit those 4 emails a day at least until you meet.

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I would try to keep them to a minimum. As Chai indicates, you want her to want more of you, not have lots of you, until a deep attachment develops. When you first date a woman (or a man, depending of course on you, it works both ways), you want them to want to see you and talk to you more, more than they can or more than you let them. Emails are another way to allow her lots of access, potentially too much.


I would not ever ignore her emails, but I would begin taking my time to respond, and I would not initiate often.

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