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Everything posted by AquaMan23

  1. That makes sense, but there is more to the story that may have been conveyed here. I did take her out on two dates, of which I was specific that it was a date and to meet me at a certain time and place. It was after she cancelled one of our dates that I became less interested and willing to put myself out there like I had in the beginning.
  2. Well the first part may be correct, but I have no way of knowing if she likes me more. And I don't know how Teddy came up with that. Interesting insight I don't plant to user her Teddy. I am a gentlemen and only plan to treat her accordingly. I do like her very much, but didn't want to reveal too much interest and feelings early in the dating process. I do know is that she likes me and I like her and I am thankful for that fact that we click and things are going well thus far.
  3. Haa....thanks Annie. I think it was just her way of weeding out the guys that are really interested in her and willing to put in the effort required to date her. Although I have never encountered a girl with this approach. Who knows.
  4. Ok friends. You both make good points. I think that is what I was doing wrong. I learned and now know what I need to do. She told me that I was not trying hard enough to get her. That a girl really needs to be pursued. I thought I was, but obviously not. But I have other info to tell you. Pretty much every bit of logic that I knew about girls got thrown out the door late last night. I ended up seeing the girl last night at my friend’s party. I went there with her and her friends. I talked to her a little but mostly to my other friends. At the end of the night, she tells me that I am acting standoffish. To which I agree because I had lost interest at that point. And she was flirting with other guys, which didn’t help. So we get into a serious discussion and she explains to me that she isn’t looking to date me right now. That I am a great guy, handsome, and funny but it just isn’t going to work out. That she is too busy and most guys are not worth her time. (bad past relationship). I was totally cool about it explained to her that was fine, but don’t miss out on great people over your career. And don’t assume that all of us guys are bad, cheaters, etc. I could of walked away at anytime during this point, but I decided to listen to her and learn for what I was doing wrong. Might as well chalk it up as experience. Ok you are all prob bored by now so let me get to the point. So after two hours or so of talking this out, she ends up all over me and she spends the night. I still don’t know what I did to change her mind from I don’t want to date you to I want you! If it was some sort of test on her part I have no idea. I was just myself and honest with her. Haa I even told her at one point that we can just be friends and I will help her find the right guy for her. So there you go. From a few good dates, to I don’t want to date you, to I want you bad! I asked her what all that was about this morning and she said don't be mean. (insert confused face here) Take note guys. Girls logic has no logic sometimes. Just go with the flow, be persistent with what you want and be yourself. Good day.
  5. Haaaa.....No. I joke with her and tell her that a movie sounds like a good idea. Then I call her later in the night to ask her formally but she doesn't answer. Anyhow, she called finally (insert surprised face here) and asked what I was up to this weekend. I invited her to a party tonight, so that she felt welcome to which she declined because she is not a big partier. But told her that if I don't see her tonight lets hangout tomorrow. So I left it at that. I probably should have been more clear about what and where but I was caught off guard and not expecting a call. Well I called later and of course she doesn't answer so I left a message. Who knows??? I am out of here. Off to meet more women in the city.
  6. I just don't get this girl. We talk through e-mail while she is at work. She hints that "we" should meet up this weekend. So I write her back about a movie we both want to see. No response. I call her yesterday and no call back after I leave a voice message. What gives? Why does she hint that she wants to go to a movie and then she doesn't respond to my messages? At least has the decency to call back or let me know she can't go. This is her last chance. If we don't meet up this weekend I am over it.
  7. Well I have news. Idontakre and others, you were so correct on this one. It was worth another attempt. I sent her a short hi and she wrote back right away. Turns out she has been working crazy hours all week (part of the job that she has) and has little time for anything during the week. She told me it would be like this a few weeks ago, but I didn't know it was to come so soon. And she asked why she didn't hear from me after she cancelled the last date. Haa....I think that was her job..but whatever. I guess I have to take control with this one. Anyhow, she hinted that she wanted to meet up this weekend. So I take that as a good sign. But I am not ready to let my guard down. Who knows. Only time will tell. I think this might be one of those girls that honestly doesn't have time for dating. But you think she would have realized that herself and made it clear to me. I will set something up and go from there. Thanks to you all for your opinions. They were all valid.
  8. Ugghhh I am so confused. You all make good points. Especially Ant1975. They always say to judge a women by her actions and not her words. If she was interested in me she would have called me back. But at the same time there could have been some confusion that I don't know about. I still don't know what I am going to do. I can almost guarantee she won't answer her phone because she never would in the past. She would either call me back or we would chat over e-mail between dates. So I see no point in calling and leaving a message. Everything in our dates leads me to believe that she was into me and things were going well, but her last action shows me otherwise. Women take note. Don't do this to men. Just tell them straight up whats is going on. I am going to see he in the future for sure, so she is only going to be making things awkward for herself.
  9. Haa I hope you are kidding because I would never do something like that.
  10. I may be wrong, but if someone says they are going to call you and they don't, then isn't the ball in their court? I think it would make me look needy to call her. Heloladies, You really think I should call her or e-mail her soon? I kind of like the idea of the random e-mail question in a few days. She did that to me at first. It does seem odd that she would loose interest overnight and not let me know. It is not like she is some random girl that I came accross. She is friends with a few of my friends. So I am def going to run into her again at some point down the road.
  11. We had 3 great dates. Lots of laughter, holding hands, kissing, great conversations, etc. Then she canceled our last date that she set up. She texted me a few hours before, telling me that something came up and would have to take a rain check. She said she was sorry and that she would call me later. It has been 3 days and I haven't heard anything. I was expecting at least a call the next day or something. We were e-mailing each other daily for the past two weeks. But nothing now. Hmmm she has me confused. If it was me I would at least let the other person know what is going on. Either something has happened to her, or she is just not interested all of a sudden. What do I do? Just forget about her, or is it worth trying to contact her? I want to keep my dignity on this one. Am I just being impatient? Thanks
  12. Call guys back if they don't leave a message? And make them keep calling you? I have a date tomorrow with a girl (she was the one that intiated it during our last date) I called her today to confirm a time but never heard back from her. I didn't feel like it was necessary to leave a message since everyone has caller and ID and knows that you called. I figured she would call me back when she saw that I called. I don't really want to call her twice in one day. So I guess it will be best to just call tomorrow and leave a message if she doesn't answer. What is yout take on girls not calling you back if you don't leave a message? And should I be leaving a voice message? Everything leads me to believe that our last date went very well so I don't see why she wouldn't be excited to call me......hmmmmm
  13. So I ended up calling her 3 days afterwards. She didn't answer. Don't you love it when you finally decided to call and no answer So I e-mailed her a short message. She wrote back and said she had a great time. We had another good date wednesday and she brought up plans to go out again this weekend. (kind to have the girl take initiative for once) I think I will wait a few days again to call her since that worked well last time. I take it the waiting time to call goes down as you go on more dates and are more into eachother? Thanks for everyone's advice.
  14. .....e-mailing back and forth with a girl you are interested in? We have gone on a few dates. But we e-mail each other 3-4 times a day. Just short funny e-mails back and forth, nothing in depth. Mostly flirtatious while I am at work. Or should I lay off on the responses and wait for the date? I don't think we will run out of things to talk about. But with busy schedules we only get to see each other once a week so far. thanks friends
  15. I agree RayKay. I can't imagine what it would be like to be the girl and have to wait, hoping that your date calls. That doesn't leave you much control for the women. At the same time, it would be nice to meet a girl that sticks up for her feelings and at least hints that she wants you to take her our again soon. I just had an extra good feeling towards this one so I didn't want to mess things up. But I think I am over the rules. Like you both said you can't forget to factor in that we are complex humans. Rules are guidelines. Sometimes they are meant to be broken...right?
  16. Nope nothing since Friday. Sure I would love to see her mid week but I don't want to overdo it with her or come on strong. Trust me, it sucks being the guy and supressing your early feelings in an attempt to follow social rules. In previous relationships things progressed quicker because I would see them on campus during the week. If I am not mistaken, it really does come down to how much time you spend with someone to determine if you are compatible and liking of one another. One date a week could take a while to get to know someone. Ok sorry for the rant. Perhaps I was mixing up the "wait 4 days to call after you get a girls number" with calling after a first date.....and sometimes it was the girls that would call me first after a date but I don't think this girl is like that.
  17. Thanks you three for the input. We talked about meeting up again next Friday for dinner. So that should be plenty of time to plan if I call tomorrow. I am not a plan of the x days call either that is why I asked. But I know that girls will think you are too interested if you don't wait a while. In college I would just end up seeing the girls the next day or so and talk about things face to face. It is different now in the working world. Many more formalities. Hmmm...maybe I should just call tonight because both of us will be at work all day tomorrow.
  18. ....to call a girl after a first date? We had a great time on friday and I want to confirm the tenative plans we made for a second date next week. 2,3,4,5 days? I don't want to sound needy because I am really not but I want to leave her hanging. Thanks for the help
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