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I'm pregnant and used drugs


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Thanks hazey_amber. Like I said earlier, I haven't used and don't plan on it again. I don't have friends anymore because they are all bad influences and I choose not to have them around me.


AFAIK drug use of any kind in the early stages of pregnancy generally induce a still birth at term or a very short life span for the child. Drugs affect the very first growth process of most major organs if they're used in early pregnancy.


I've never heard this before, at least not with single time usage. If someone was an addict, that's understandable since it would cause long term damage, but that isn't the case for me. Can you post a link showing where you read that? And also what does AFAIK mean?

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I don't have friends anymore because they are all bad influences and I choose not to have them around me.




We will be your friends here @ enotalone! I am sorry that you feel the ones you have in your life are bad influences. You will make new friends.


If you are trying to break from drugs, it really is best to drop all those people from your life that you did the drugs with.


You are doing the right thing!

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LittleMama, there isn't much more I can add in the way of advice on how to handle the situation now, the mistake has been made and you are trying to do what you can to rectify it.


I am the adopted child of a junkie who did Meth, and Coke, among other things for the first 3 months she was pregnant with me. I was born with some birth defects (heart, lung, etc) and have had quite a few surgeries over the course of my life to fix or remove stuff that was broken, the last one was in September to remove my large intestine that never developed properly.


I am not saying this to hurt you more or to cause you more worry; on the contrary, I am giving you this information to show you that even if you might have inadvertantly hurt your baby with your drug use, that the world has come a long way in the things it can do to fix a broken body.


You may be helpless right now, but don't be hopeless.

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I've never heard this before, at least not with single time usage. If someone was an addict, that's understandable since it would cause long term damage, but that isn't the case for me. Can you post a link showing where you read that? And also what does AFAIK mean?


AFAIK: As far as i know

I'm assuming semi-long term usage of drugs.


Dunno where i read it. Probably accrued knowledge from various places, but it makes sense (to me at least). Drug usage can disrupt stem cells from developing into their respective organs, most of these start multiplying in the very early stages of pregnancy. I'm assuming if an infant has serious enough birth defects it'll cause still birth or early death.

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Okay so I read this thread earlier but didn't write anything because I had no idea.


I went to my doctor today and I asked him about it, since he seemed so super cool and understanding. He said there would be nothing to worry about since it was so early and you should NOT continue to use, but since you seemed to have changed your ways, it should be fine.


Good luck to you. I could tell you were really stressing out and I was kinda curious myself, as I used to do all that crap back in the day.


Hopefully this will put your mind at ease a little bit.

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Just wanted to let you know that there is nothing you can do to change what has happened.The best thing you can do for your baby is to be the healthiest you can from this point forth.

I know what im talking about. I'm the mother of a (nearly) four year old wild daughter and didnt find out i was pregnant until i was four months along. I was on an overseas jaunt at the time and had put on a bit of weight anyway. There were a whole host of reasons why i didnt know i was pregnant. Irregular periods...bleeding after conception that i thought was a period...amongst other things. I took ecstasy on three separate occasions and i I also binge drank on perhaps three occasions during that four months. After returning to Australia I found out i was pregnant with a home test and was in denial i guess for another month. During this month I went out with my friends took ecstasy and cocaine . I too at this stage was positive i was going to terminate my pregnancy. I didnt realise at this time that i was so far along. I actually believed i was about two months pregnant as i hadn't been to see a doctor. Because i had had some bleeding after conception and then didnt have sex with anyone for a few months i was positive of who the babys father was and also that i would terminate the pregnancy. well didnt i get a shock when i was lying with my legs in the stirrups metally prepared for the doctor to perform the abortion and they pull out the ultrasound. They couldnt abort the feotus because..as they informed me.. i was five months pregnant!!! Bit of a long winded story i know...Sounds a bit like a storyline from some dumb soap!

I was so worried about it that i spoke to my doctor and let him know what i had taken. I didnt tell him about the cocaine thou..i guess i was less embarrassed about the ecstasy and drinking. His advice to me was the same advice as i am offering you now.

Whats done is done. There are so many things that are not recommended during pregnancy. Smoking, drinking, Drugs...even Sushi!! The chances of your baby being damaged by the actions you took are so slim. If you were taking drugs on a regular basis for the entire pregnancy things might be different. The thing your baby needs is a relaxed womb to spend the next seven months in. Stressing out about something you cant change will do the only harm now. Think positve, eat healthy, dont drink or smoke, Have regular check ups and just forget about the drug thing....Your going to be a mommy!! concentrate on the miracle of it all...Good luck!! xx P.s You are my first post as i felt compelled to let you know my story..might just have a look around while im here! .....oh and you should definatley tell your doctor he/she is there to help..they wont judge you.

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Okay so I read this thread earlier but didn't write anything because I had no idea.


I went to my doctor today and I asked him about it, since he seemed so super cool and understanding. He said there would be nothing to worry about since it was so early and you should NOT continue to use, but since you seemed to have changed your ways, it should be fine.


Good luck to you. I could tell you were really stressing out and I was kinda curious myself, as I used to do all that crap back in the day.


Hopefully this will put your mind at ease a little bit.


That was brave of you. You're going to be an awesome mom.

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