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So here's a different sort of advice that I'm seeking.


How do I "kill" feelings that I have for a girl that I have no future with? I told her a few weeks ago that I liked her, and she rejected me, but in the nicest possible way. We're still friends and there's nothing awkward, except that I'm still crazy about her.


I see her practically every day, since we share friends in common and are involved in a community service program. Everytime I see her and know she doesn't like me in that way, a part of me dies. I hate to sound all emo, but that's really how it feels.


So please help me get rid of my feelings for this girl, without killing the friendship I have with her!

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sorry to hear that she doesn't feel the same way. it's a good thing that you two are still friends though! btw, props on having the guts to tell her!


unfortunately, freedom is right. i think the other way that you'll be able to get over her is by distancing yourself...OR...finding a significant other to get your mind off of her. i know the feeling of trying to get over someone when you see them all the time. it's pretty impossible. i wish there was something more insightful that i could tell you...

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I have to agree with other posters that you will have to distance yourself to get over her. You will know when you are truly over her when you can finally see her and not feel the way that you are feeling now. This usually happens when you fall for someone else.


Congrats on admitting your feelings for her to her. It's sad that she does not feel the same way. I think most people know how this feels.

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Hi there,


it's happened to me before and seriously, like everyone has said, the only way is to distance yourself.


It's impossible to get over someone you have feelings for if you're always in their company and reminding you just way you fell in love with them in the first place.


If you guys really are that good of friends then don't worry, you can always pick up the friendship after you feel better. Once you've forged a meaningful relationship with someone, it never completely goes away.


Right now you've got to get yourself better. Whether or not you choose to tell her it's up to you. But she knows about your feelings for and could probably come to a decent conclusion as to why you need time off from her.


I sincerely hope you get better because I've been through it and possibly am going through it (with someone else) and the feeling you get when you're with them is impossible.

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