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I have a friend (male), who I have known for a year now. Due to his often "odd behavior" at times, I'm beginning to wonder whether he may be gay or not.

I remember when I met him, I asked him what kind of sports he was into, and had asked him if perhaps he would like to get together sometime for a game of basketball or tennis. At the mention of the word tennis, he turned to look at me, (and the look that he gave me kind of creeped me out), as he announced "I'd love that !", while his eyes grew wide with excitement. It was just so plain to see, but the thing that made me want to inch away, if not jump right out of my own skin was the fact that he put his arm behind my seat (passenger seat in his vehicle), leaned towards me and gave me a long stare while smile-ing from ear to ear at me. Well, as uneasy as I felt at that moment, I quickly said, " I gotta go " and left.


That's not where the oddity begins however. Back when I worked for TD Financial Group I remember needing some assistance from a female co-worker of mine, to which later I was directed to a male co-worker who was a bit more experienced than her. Needless to say, this guy was becoming a bit friendly with me; to the point where he told me he had talked to another female co-worker about the girl that was seated next to me at my work station. He told me that in his conversation, he couldn't understand why the girl that was seated next to me didn't take an interest to me, and had her sights set on someone else. To which he also added, that he shared his thoughts openly with a female co-worker of his, and had said to her expressly "I can't understand what she sees in the other guy, I think he's; (referring to me), very handsome, and attractive." As with the thoughts of the female co-worker he talked to, I also shared her exact expression and whatever thoughts may have run through her mind at the time." I just looked at him, trying to figure out what I could say to that.


Also, there have been times when I have gotten together with my friend to either play pool, or hang at the mall, or catch the latest release of an action flick; where he would just come out of the blue and either do, or say something that was totally out of the ordinary.


One such occurrence was when he said just out of the blue, "I had a dream about you." That didn't so much shock me, as surprise me at first. I asked him to elaborate on it, and tell me exactly what I was doing in his dream." Much to my surprise he said, " Well, we weren't doing anything out of the ordinary, just holding hands." My mind automatically screamed WTF ?!

Most guys have dreams about girls, or perhaps even past events from their life, but when a friend of yours, especially a male friend tells you he had a dream about you that just sheds light on a whole different perspective and level of how you view him.


And, to make me feel even uneasier than I've ever felt around him, he tells me that he has had similar dreams about his other friends too, but that if he were ever to share these with his other male friends, they might see this as a sign of being gay.


What bothers me here is often, I find him trying to reassure me that he is not gay, yet it makes it ever that more difficult to determine whether he is hiding something, or is just afraid that others may find out.


On top of that, he often at times asks me how open minded I am. I told him once that I was open minded, but I think he may have gotten a misrepresentation of that, and feels that he can he tell me whatever odd thing comes to his mind.


I've been in openly embarrassing situations at times, (not of my own doing), when around him. He seems to be the sort where he is openly expressive, to the point where he is a touchy-feely person and wants a lot of attention or contact. When I first met him, he always insisted on getting a hug from me as a sign of greeting.


I asked him if he gets that from his other male friends, to which he admitted, "Well, I hug my other friends and they don't seem to mind it."

Well, I'm sorry, but I'm a guy and I do not hug my friends, and will absolutely not hug any of my male friends. Now if it were a girl-friend I would not mind hugging her. To work around this matter, I suggested to him that we either just say hi to each other or shake hands when we meet since he seems to be the person who likes a lot of contact.


One thing that I can not shake from my mind, and there are quite a few that puzzle me about him; is the fact that one day my brother approached me and told me that my friend looks quite gay in the purple shorts that he was wearing. Mind you, he didn't say this in front my friend's presense, but he did wonder why I still hang around him.


I also caught my friend looking through "Queer (Gay) Culture" books while I was looking at the magazine section at a Chapters store. He was the only one I saw standing in front of a table full of these books on Queer (Gay) Culture. When I later approached him about this, his explanation for it was, "It was just one of those things I happened to notice, it's kind of like seeing a car accident." Excuse me ? Did I hear right ? Kind of like seeing a car accident ? That statement did not make any clear sense to me what so ever when he said it. I don't even know why he said something like that; probably to mask his embarrassment perhaps ?


I've also noticed that he likes to carry a lot of key chains with him, all attached to his car keys with witty sayings like, " Not the brightest crayon in the box ", among others that he has. I've never seen any one with that many key chains strapped to one car key before.


He orders things from Avon, which he says has a good selection of things for guys. I didn't think this to be all that odd, until he approached me once and told me that his regular Avon lady who delivers his purchases was leaving, and he was disappointed that he would have to go through someone else now.


He also likes to wear cowboy boots, which I didn't give much mind too, cept' for the strange fact that he likes to wear them often, even on hot summer days !

And he was trying to get me to notice his new pair of cowboy boots, when the zipper on his old ones had "popped off".


There have been much stranger things than this. When ever we meet, or get together, he will often try to get me to smell his Cologne, by putting some on his wrists and asking me to smell it, and tell me what I think of it. Of course I don't do this, instead I just tell him, "No, that's O.K. I can smell it from here."

Once in a while he will spray his Cologne directly in his face. I have never seen or noticed any guy, except the occasional female do this if she wanted to see whether or not she would like the certain fragrance of a perfume.

When I asked once why he sprays Cologne in his face, his reply was, "I find it refreshing, it cools me down."


Sometimes when we're out in public areas, and I notice some nice looking girls and ask him if he happened to notice them too, he responds by saying, " Where ? I didn't notice any. " Other times he will be looking at guys that pass by and call out, " Hey baby ! " because as he lays claim to, he thought they looked liked girls from behind. He has made this mistake more than on one occasion when I was with him.


Also, I don't know how this ever came up in one of his conversations with me, but he has let me know that he has had friends in the past who were gay.


I don't quite know what to make of all this, as this leaves me pretty puzzled to his rather odd behaviour.


He also used the term, " gay " to describe his sense of humour once. Saying that he has, "a very gay sense of humour." I've never heard of anyone describing their sense of humour as being gay, let alone addressing humour with a term he used so loosely.

Good humour, yes.. but gay humour ?


Any advice that any one could offer would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Just ask him straight out. Say I hope I don't offend you, but are you gay?


If he is and you are not, just tell him.


If he is gay would you still be his friend?


I find gay men make the best friends....most of the time.


Just tell him you don't like the way he's behaving towards you and that if he is gay then you are happy for him, but if he is making you uncomfortable tell him.

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Thanks for posting a reply Mccrat and Nobody Special.


To address you both, I have spoken to him and let him know of how uncomfortable I feel when he sometimes acts the way he does.


I told him I didn't know if I could continue feeling uneasy about the way he acts sometimes, and said that I value his friendship, but if it becomes persistent, then I may have to re-evalueate this friendship of ours.


He became kind of emotional at this stage, and told me he broke into tears when he heard me say this.


Still, I honestly admit that at times I still do feel a bit uneasy around him, even though he has said that he will " tone things down " and " be on his best behaviour "


Sometimes I can't help but wonder, and there are times where he still acts out of the ordinary.

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Had to Repost this one, cause earlier response did not show up properly:



Nobody Special Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 4:37 pm Post subject:




"But did you ask him if he was gay?"



I didn't ask him yet whether he is, but he has come forward to me many a time, and has said, " I reassure you, I'm not gay ".


I asked him then, " Why do you feel that you need to reassure me that you are not, and that you are indeed straight ? "


His response, " Because I've had people often mistake me for being gay, and I've had to tell them that I'm not. "


Why then does he behave and act the way he does ?


Still puzzled.

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alright, IMO your friend is gay, ok? it looks like in his own way, he's been trying to tell you this, but he's still pretty much in the closet. tell him its time to come out. tell him you're straight, not interested, whatever. and dont beat around the bush. if you value this guy (as a friend) tell him the terms and how you really feel. but, if he has sexual feelings for you then you should cut ties with him, as trying to be friends under the circumstances will just complicate things. i think you two should have a very open, and private conversation so there is no more speculating. i think you will both feel better that you did this.


ºEmptySoulº's mom

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