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Staring w/o a smile?


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Hmmm... maybe he's thinking about something else and not realizing himself that he's staring at someone (you)?


I must admit I kinda do that too sometimes ... although I tend to zero in on inanimate objects ...

I am not actually *looking* at it (I literally dont *see* it at all) bc my mind is really elsewhere and is not focused on what I am staring at ...


Haha, I don't know if this makes him seem less weird to you OR makes me seem more weird!


Nah, i know what u mean, I do that too.

But this guy stares AT me. And hes looking AT me if u know what i mean. We do have some sort of weird crush thing going on, but the staring is just weird. Hes done it many times in the past.

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I do this ALL the time. I have a hard time smiling directly at first unless the girl gives me the smile first, then I smile. When I see a girl I find very attractive, I often look at them without many smiles, and look away when they look at me. It's that shyness trait I have haha.


I think if you're really curious, you should ask him! I tried asking a girl why she kept smiling at me, at least I got a response from her!

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That sounds really creepy. To me, anyway. I mean, the socially acceptable thing to do is to look away when you're caught staring. There are no exceptions. Staring at someone like that implies that you're admiring them as an object. From the moment when you turn to make eye contact with him, you should no longer be an object to him. He should realize that you're interacting with him now, since you've made eye contact. The fact that he keeps staring at you even when you're looking back at him (and that this has happened many times) is kind of disturbing. But that's just my opinion.

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Just say hey and smile at him, he's probably just reallly shy and can't smile at you without you smiling at him first or something.


It seems in this situation he was trying to approach you or something but couldn't because he was over-thinking how hard it is.


haha I admit that's sorta creepy though.

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