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Speeding ticket - feel awful

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This morning, as I was driving to work, I got nothing more and nothing less than a speeding ticket! I was driving at 50 km/hour in a 30km/hour zone, and the police was hiding so that I never saw them.

I was driving slowly, but the car next to me was going fast and wanted to pass me, so instead of decelarating, I decided to accelarate, dumb me!


So obvioulsy they stopped us both, and we both got speeding tickets and a nice fine of $110.00


Now I feel bad like I did something really wrong. I've been driving for 2 years 1/2 and this is the first time I get a ticket.


Has anyone has this happen to them? How did you feel afterwards? I want to pretend like it's ok, but can't stop feeling like I'm a bad person or something. I just feel awful!!!

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Yeah . . . I know how you feel . . . I think I got my first ticket when I was 23 and I got my license at 16! I was so upset about it afterwards that I started crying after the cop drove off! You're not a bad person! Everyone has done it! I would just try to slow down next time. Getting speed tickets can increase your premium for car insurance so you may want to try to avoid getting anymore of them.

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Don't feel bad about it, it happens to most everyone.


If you live in the US, you can go to traffic school, in person, online, or rent a video at the store, so that it won't tarnish your driving record for insurance purposes.


I think most people speed, it's just a matter of who gets caught, and I am sorry that was you.


Hugs, Rose

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Speeding tickets are almost as common as parking tickets.


Don't let it bother you too much -- but try not to get another one as they can significantly impact your insurance rates.


Did the officer reduce the charge reduced to 15km/hr over? If not, I would seriously advise getting a paralegal to fight the charge for you (i.e. X-Copper). The $300 cost of fighting the ticket will more than make up for your insurance rates not going up for a few years.


BTW... where was this 30km/hr zone? I don't think I've ever seen a zone with such a low speed limit. If it was a yellow speed limit sign, I believe that it is only a recommended speed, and not enforceable.

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thank you! I guess I feel this way cause it just happened, maybe in a year I'll look at it as something not so bad, there are way more bad stuff in life than this...still, I wish I could go back and decide to slow down and let the other car pass instead of accelarating! Oh well, you never stop learning do you?

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I wouldn't get too worked up about this if I were you. Let it be a learning experience for you. If it makes you feel better, I got my 2nd ticket doing a 92 on a 65 max highway ... yeah . . . even the cop yelled at me lol Looking back now, I'm thinking, what the heck was I thinking!!!!

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Show up at the court date and try to plead not guilty. A lot of cops don't show up for court dates.


Other than that, and if that doesn't work, then what are you going to do? Just pay the ticket and fine. Expect your insurance to go up, as well.


I don't know what state you're in (or country), but where I am, we can take a 6-7 hour devensive driving class, and by doing that, 2 points will be deducted from our insurance. Check out the AAA website, they offer such courses.

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