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A girl with interest or imagination?

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Ok, in my one class, there is this one girl, who is a little more towards the shy side, but not like 100% kinda shy. I would say at least half. Now I was a little interested in her, but never gave it too much thought really, because I usually haven't had extreme luck with girls, but this one seems different, and I am curious what you guys/girls think.


If I glance over at her in class, she never seems to really notice or do anything, but if I pass her in the hallway, already at least twice, she seemed to have a happy smile, and when I was in the Library, sitting in a chair, she was sitting with her friend on the computer when there seemed to be nothing to laugh at and no one else was laughing but they seemed to giggle constantly, and she seemed to look over at me occasionally. Then again, during class no real attention it seems, but then one time after class, I was laughing at something, ended up looking over at her, and it was like we "locked" eyes and she was smiling. She didn't look away or stop smiling (something I am used to with girls, lol) and it was a strange eye lock, not like a lock like when you are talking to someone or you look at someone, it felt like our eyes were talking to each other or something, it was a strange feeling. I never really had that feeling from a girl before.


So possible interest or making something out of nothing?


Also, for another girl, and just out of curiosity, can people be attracted to someone and not even know it? Like think they don't like someone but subconsciously or something like them? Sometimes it seems like, when you are not the type someone usually likes, they seem to show interest anyway.

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Try not to put much or even ANY thought into girl's little looks and giggles. We're all crazy anyway. just kidding...


You see, those all could be signs that she likes you, but aren't strong enough on their own. She could still look at you occasionally and laugh with a friend if she didn't like you.


If I really like a guy, I'll start looking for him in the halls to see if he's with any girls, I'll glance at him and smile. But how is he supposed to know I like him from this? So at some point, I'll approach him and talk to him.


But for some girls, they just can't do this because they're too shy. So you're going to have to approach her in a friendly and confident way.


Don't worry if she looks at you a certain way, don't overanalyze simple conversation. I know this is hard but one of the best things you can do is relax. I do find myself thinking, "Oh! I looked at him and he looked at me and he smiled! Maybe he likes me..." but I try not to. It's really just stressing yourself out for nothing.


Try and approach her. You are atleast getting friendly vibes from her and it's good to trust gut feelings, so you should go for it.


And about the subconscious thing, I don't know. I think if you like someone, you're pretty well aware of it. Maybe you could just feel indifferent to someone but underneath the surface really could be attracted to them. Maybe later on feelings develop where there were none. But I think the person is usually aware of something though.

Sometimes it seems like, when you are not the type someone usually likes, they seem to show interest anyway.


Maybe they are just being nice?

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Yeah, I know what you mean, just because there was one smile doesn't really mean anything, but it just seems like a constant thing, not just like she smiled once and that was it. It happened a couple of times and she doesn't seem to smile as much at other times or at other people, except like when we pass each other and times when we make eye contact.

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Yeah, I know what you mean, just because there was one smile doesn't really mean anything, but it just seems like a constant thing, not just like she smiled once and that was it. It happened a couple of times and she doesn't seem to smile as much at other times or at other people, except like when we pass each other and times when we make eye contact.


Yes, those things could mean that she is at least intrigued by you... however on the other side these things could mean anything else as well. Most guys who haven't had much experience in dating always look for these "signs" and far more often than not they weren't the signs they thought they were. Unless you know how to read a situation with a lot of experience then you really shouldn't try to read into it too much.


Instead, the real situation here is that you are attracted to this girl. thereforeeee there really is only one thing for you to do in order to get this thing going, and that is to approach her, and initiate a conversation. Not small talk like in, "How's the weather" type stuff, but be friendly, flirt, & tease. Have fun when talking to her. Then tell her you'd like to call her sometime and ask for her phone number. Get on the ball and don't try to sneak in under the lie of "just friends". You clearly are attracted so be bold and ask her for her number.

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Out of curiosity, though a little off topic. Are women and/or men, very specific on what the want in a man/woman? For example, when I did a questionnaire in public speaking, pretty much every one said they want a partner that can drive. Now my family isn't from a lot of money, so it's hard to buy a car and/or for me to get insurance and pay for gas for two cars, so I take the bus to school and everything. So my question is, what do guys/girls normally do if they like everything about a man/woman except like one thing? Do they still go for them or not normally?

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Out of curiosity, though a little off topic. Are women and/or men, very specific on what the want in a man/woman? For example, when I did a questionnaire in public speaking, pretty much every one said they want a partner that can drive. Now my family isn't from a lot of money, so it's hard to buy a car and/or for me to get insurance and pay for gas for two cars, so I take the bus to school and everything. So my question is, what do guys/girls normally do if they like everything about a man/woman except like one thing? Do they still go for them or not normally?


I think it depends on what that ONE thing is & how important it is to the person.

But in your case, it's a car - material, a possesion. It shouldn't be that important & if the girl won't date you because you don't have a car...than She's not worth it & You would have been used.

You want a women that will go out with you regardless of what you have, but for who you are.

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Yeah that's what I thought. But I wasn't sure. I'm always nervous, how I look to girls. Though if they don't like me because of something I do, they aren't really worth it, so I don't know why I do worry. Like I worry if I look at pornography a girl might not like me especially if I know she doesn't agree with it. Like this girl I like. She is a Christian like myself, though I don't see porn as bad but I am a young teen, so u can guess why, lol. You know the little stuff. I often worry too much about the past also, it's like mistakes from the past don't leave me and I constantly worry they will come back to haunt me.


Anyway, just out of curiosity, I know we already said you can't really take body language too much for granite, but I just gotta ask this one because it was truly a strange feeling. I was laughing with my one friend and ended up glancing over at her accidentally (yes, it was lol) and I saw her, and I swear we locked eyes. Now I've locked eyes with people before, but this time it felt completely different. We were both smiling and it's like we were both glued, I swear neither of us moved for like 5 seconds. And neither of us said any vocal words, but it honestly felt like we had a conversation or something, like in a way we were talking. I've never felt that when I locked eyes with someone. Even though it sounds very silly, it was like, we were saying hi, how are you doing to each other, just by looking at each other. Like I stated before, I've never felt anything like it before, it was not in my opinion just some random eye lock, defiantly something was odd about it.

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Just because you felt something when you locked gazes doesn't mean that she felt the same thing. There is one way to find out and that it to ask her out.


Also, I agree that there is nothing wrong with porn, but that doesn't mean you should go and bring this up in conversations with someone. That kind of info should come naturally later on as a relationship grows.

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From experience, it can mean a lot of things and you really, truly wont know unless you ask her out. She might have been looking at someone behind you, she might have been looking at you, she might have just dazed out and didnt realize she was staring. Maybe you had a booger hanging out of your nose, who knows.


If you read Diggity Doggs advice, the only sign of interest is her saying yes to a date, her kissing you, her having sex with you. Everything else is all speculation.

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Any girl who get upset or turned off by a guy looking at porn is just weird and ignorant and not worth your time.

It's completely normal for men to look at porn. I knew my ex would look at porn. It didn't upset me, sort of a turn on actually.


If she is upset it's probably because she's insecure and thinks you're comparing her to porno women or soemthing. It's not "bad" or "dirty" unless what he's watching or looking at depicts violence towards women or involves children.


Wait a minute....how would she even know you look at porn? Are you planning on bringing the subject up with her? I'd advise you not to. How old are you two anyway? I doubt it will be an issue for you.


And I've had that "eyes locking" thing happen before- he did end up liking me. But it's still not a clear sign. She could have been momentarily dazed you really can't tell. You just need to make a move or you'll never know- and that's the worse.

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If she's a Christian, she will be offended by what you're doing. Can't say I blame her either. But if you insist on pursuing her, go right ahead. (It WILL cause problems later down the road for the two of you, if anything actually comes of this relationship though. Just a heads up.)

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