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anyone deal with cold sores?

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Ok, so cold sores / herpes I simplex, etc...they run in my family - I've had them probably since I was like 2. We've tried everything I can think of (i hate abreva, it doesn't work for me) - I use Herpicin L - but I'm curious - do any of you deal with them? And, if you do - are there any sure-fire ways to get rid of them?


I ALWAYS seem to get them right when i'm dating someone new (or also when i'm not dating - i get them due to stress). And I just started dating someone 2 1/2 weeks ago...and I had one the first week - haven't had one since last year (over christmas time when I was dating my ex) - anyways - i had one a week and a half ago - got rid of it with my herpicin L - it pretty much disappeared last friday - weekend was good and now - wednesday - i wake up feeling like a vampire (there's 3 - all on bottom lip - one on each corner and one on right side next to other one). luckily - the new guy isn't "afraid" of them (i won't kiss him with them - but he understands they're JUST cold sores - as long as i don't make contact in any way with him while i"ve got em...)

but i DID have a guy i dated for about a month a few years ago...he went absolutely PSYCHO on me when one broke out (apparently people in europe don't get them? he was from Hungary). anyways though. that's just a little side story.


my question is: do any of you deal with them - and if you do - you have ANY sure fire ways to get rid of them? I did get a doc to prescribe valtrex a few years ago but he gave me only 4 pills - and when you have a breakout - you're supposed to take 2 - so i really honestly don't remember if they worked or not - just because i didn't have a good enough supply of them.


and i don't have a family doc yet (although i was thinking maybe my gyno could prescribe something?)


any ideas?



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Herpes can be controlled somewhat by diet (and suppliments) to control the lysine/arginine ratio. (See link removed).


Basically you have to be careful about eating too many nuts, seeds, chocolate or squash, and try to eat more dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese).


You can also try lysine suppliments.

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They don't typically prescribe for simplex I because simplex I is 1. more socially accepted and 2. doesn't usually occur as frequently. However, Valtrex can be an effective means of suppressing either strain of herpes. You can speak to your gyno about it. Be sure to discuss suppressive therapy, and not just taking it during an actual outbreak, as it seems that you are having outbreaks on a relatively frequent basis.


I am surprised you were only given 4 pills, as the outbreak generally lasts 10 days and they tend to provide acyclovir or valcyclovir for at least 5 days (on double dosage). Also, herpes is just as prevalent, if not more so, outside of the US. It is just often not discussed as much either due to ignorance or due to the fact that it is seen as a non-issue (being that, in comparison to other STIs, herpes is quite benign). Expect people to react differently.

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Im from europe and I get coldsores, usually in the winter,if im stressed or i get them at the end of a cold if im feeling run down.


I use a cream that you can purchase over the counter at pharmacies. Its called zovirax, dont know how available it is abroad, but it clears them up pretty fast.

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There is no way to get rid of them for sure. They are viral, so they are highly contagious. You most likely got them when you were 2 because you were drinking or eating off of the same utensils as your family member who had them. There is no vaccine against them currently available, although I know that researchers are working on it and have a vaccine that they are conducting studies on that would prevent the spread of herpes simplex I.

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i'll look for the zovirax and talk to my doc next time i see her.


and, yeah - i'm sure people all over the world get them - i hope i didn't offend anyone - that story - just remembering the way he reacted...he went "psycho" because it broke out and he'd apparently never dated anyone with cold sores before...


and, yeah - i'm not really a big nut eater - i DO like them - but don't eat them that often - a friend of mine who has 2 asked me if i ate a lot of nuts...as far as chocolate goes...lol. but thank you for that link - I will definitely check it out!

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