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How do you know if a guy is interested in you...or what he can get out of you?

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I met this guy recently and my friend told me that apparently his best friend said some stuff about me (along the lines of i'm a sl-- ....) So basically 3 days ago the guy asked me to hang out..and I had my guards up the whole time. But I think I started to like him though.

He doesn't know that I know that he heard i'm a s---. I'm very wary of this guy's intentions...but at the same time he didn't really display any behaviour that showed he just wants to get in my pants, so I really don't know....I mean, he seemed genuine but that may just be a front.


How do you know if a guy likes YOU..and not what he thinks he can get out of you?

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i think you can only know over time. I would really recommend that you don't sleep with him until you have known him for 3-4 months. I think that is when peoples' true colors start showing.


there is no rush, get to know him. if he is genuine, he will be in it for the long haul and will be a man of his word. if he is consistent towards you for several months, you can be assured that he's into you, not just into a one-night stand.


good luck

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Definitely agree that you should wait a long time before sleeping with him, especially given that you have the info someone told him you were a s---. By your actions he will know this isn't true. If he's only in it for the sex, and you don't provide it, he will stick around for a few months if he truly is interested in YOU.

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